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  1. A

    General Thoughts: Geography

    Re: Geography Exam was reasonable/easy. Expecting at least 85+ raw.
  2. A

    General Thoughts: Physics

    Compared to other years, agreed. The second page was OK... some of the stuff on the first page though, ugh. I think I did OK overall in it though. Hoping to scrape by with a 20/25.
  3. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    52/70 I'll take that. What will that align to considering the difficulty level of this years paper? (Idk if it was considered easy or hard... I didn't prepare much. Smashed everything up until Q16..... 4/15 -.-)
  4. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Literally would have gotten 90/100 raw easily if I just took a deep breath before and reading the questions properly. I lost marks in Q11!! :( Oh well haha lets just wait and see what happens, it's done now, there's no changing it. Be glad it's over!
  5. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Topped every single test in Semester 2... overall rank second, and topped the CSSA trial. (2nd because I had some pretty serious family issues for the first half of the year, so I literally didn't study/do homework or anything) So I think my assessment mark is decent...
  6. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Revised my estimate to 80/100.... (Very confident that it will be my raw mark, unless the markers are generous, in which case ~+3) Do you guys reckon I'll scrape through for a B6? Literally lost 10 marks from being a complete retard and making the silliest mistakes of my life. Far out. ;_;
  7. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Woohoo I got the same answer for part v)... maybe 1/3 for part iv) Embarrassing that I did better in Q16 than Q15.
  8. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Your mark needs to be aligned based on the difficulty of the subject first, doesn't it? I may be wrong.
  9. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Would I get 1/2 if I had -2/3 because I think I fudged m>2 like another poster.
  10. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    What about -2/3?
  11. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Yes. "Find the exact length of the interval CD"
  12. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    sqrt(450) for the length of CD What did you guys get for the minimum distance of the two cars?
  13. A

    band 6 cut off?

  14. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Can you explain how you got to that? (Mind you, I took a complete guess)
  15. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Judging by past years and the way Mathematics has aligned... I think above 80 should be pretty sweet for a band 6. (Source: ULTIMATE RAW MARKS DATABASE v2.0)
  16. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    I couldn't get iv) although in hindsight I think I have an idea of how to do it but I may have gotten part v)
  17. A

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    One of the harder papers in the last few years IMO. ~85/100 raw I think. (Perhaps subtract some silly mistakes from below) If I had to estimate.... 9/10 MC 13/15 Q11 (embarrassing mistake on the log integration) 15/15 Q12 15/15 Q13 12/15 Q14 (Maybe 13, was d) a=3???) 11/15 Q15 10/15 Q16...
  18. A

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    Lets hope so....
  19. A

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    Agreed. I'm feeling less and less confident the more I read about the stuff that I didn't include in my arguments, (Because I studied so much stuff that in hindsight was irrelevant) compounded by my mediocre Riefenstahl response.... ugh ;_;
  20. A

    General Thoughts: Modern History

    Thank fuck I wasn't the only one who struggled for Leni question b.... that's the only section I feel like I flunked. Edit: I know there was a lot of stuff I could have talked about, I got 13/15 for the trial and the question was really similar - missed out a heap of the stuff i mentioned in...