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  1. A

    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    The question was fine, and I think my cohort found it OK as well. Just a personal dislike of doing Poetry for Module B.
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    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    Module B would have been great fun if it we weren't doing Slessor's poetry. (Or any of the other poets)
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    General Thoughts: English Advanced Paper 2

    Got 75/105 in the CSSA trial.... and I'm pretty sure I wrote a lot better this time 'round.... but I'd hazard a guess that my internal mark is like high 70s at best because I went shit throughout the year, so I hope I sneak in a band 5. Module B was aids. Module A wasn't too bad. Nailed Module C.
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    All Nighter for Modules

    A > C > B Hope to god they don't specify a poem for Module B, so under prepared.
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    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    Shit was amazing, quote 1 was almost identical to the introduction of my pre-prepared creative, LOL. Hopefully 12-14/15 :)
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    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    Exactly how I felt/feel haha.... probs leaning more towards 11 though >_>
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    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    Nope nope nope. "How accurately does this statement reflect the ideas represented in your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own choosing." BL.
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    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    Ehhh... my short answer was average at best. I think I nailed the creative and essay response, however.
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    If you could turn back the clock...

    Changed to a school ranked above 150 before Year 10. Other than that, nothing, loving my subjects. (Except me not putting enough effort in, lol.)
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    How to get a 99.95 + State Rankings

    What a terrible statement lmao.
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    2U/3U maths

    Pretty much this!
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    Options for the HSC

    Yup, same here, I was at the bottom of the class in Year 9, then got to the middle in Year 10, now im 2nd in 2U and 3rd in Extension l0l. I guess it's a bit of a self gauge if you know you're not putting effort in.
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    My SGP Topic

    I live near the current airport though .... so wouldn't it be a bit harder? Or would I still be OK to do that as well? I just thought it'd be a bit simpler considering it's closer to me and I tried to narrow it down maybe to more the local area? But I'm not sure how I could do that.....
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    My SGP Topic

    OK thanks, and the final question, what would some examples of appropriate questions (on the topic) be? (Just something to get the ball rolling) I appreciate the help a lot btw guys. :)
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    My SGP Topic

    Primary resources btw?
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    blasphemous name change m8 lost skux respect.

    blasphemous name change m8 lost skux respect.
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    My SGP Topic

    Yeah I've been extremely bored these holidays, been sick most of the time, and my PC is dead so no games. -_- Still an interesting read though, especially as the government have taken their time to get their a$$ into gear about it.
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    My SGP Topic

    Brilliant, actually I would prefer to focus more on the alternative sites, I've read nearly the entire government report LOL, as long as it's on topic then I'm happy because it's something that I genuinely enjoy doing and comes easy to me as it's along my career interests path. Thanks for the...
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    My SGP Topic

    So basically I was having a look at the G. Interactions textbook and there is a marking criteria, with one of those criterias being "Relevance of topic to Geography". My chosen topic for the SGP is focused more on Human Geography, being "The Economic Impact of Sydney Airport and the Issue of a...
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    Is it better to do 2U and 4U subjects rather than only one extension?

    Do two 1 unit extension subjects if you need to (To balance it out and be of even numbered units, that's the only thing I can think of?). There is no reason that it will not be of benefit to you by doing a 3U subject. They scale better than 2U anyway.