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    Holiday study

    Good for him, but I don't know why he's recommending it though.
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    Holiday study

    Probably all talk and wont actually implement it. If you do go ahead with that, you're stupid because it's Prelim and I agree with the sentiments about burning out. Studying excessively =/= 99.95
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    Holiday study

    Might do some Maths when I'm bored but that's about it lol, cbf studying. Holidays.....are for holidays. :\
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    Yeah, I think they do it somewhere between Camden and Wollongong.

    Yeah, I think they do it somewhere between Camden and Wollongong.
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    I'm planning to do that for my 18th......Hopefully I've got the guts to do it!

    I'm planning to do that for my 18th......Hopefully I've got the guts to do it!
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    Believe me, it is. :) It has it's good and bad sides to it, but for me, the good far outweighs...

    Believe me, it is. :) It has it's good and bad sides to it, but for me, the good far outweighs the bad. You should go up for a flight one day, just to see what it's like. (Prob cost you $150-$180 for an hour). It's worth it!
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    Yea, gliding to be specific. AKA we launch with our engine, literally fold it away then we...

    Yea, gliding to be specific. AKA we launch with our engine, literally fold it away then we become an aircraft with no engine! It's pretty fun, probably got like 15 hours only though....I plan on beginning my PPL when I turn 16 though and going every weekend or every fortnight.
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    What do we 'hate' about Year 11? Come in and vent your frustration!

    Agreed, judging by the reviews I was expecting it to be a lot better. :|
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    Yeah, JAL could've been so easily avoided....and the amount of people that were involved sucked...

    Yeah, JAL could've been so easily avoided....and the amount of people that were involved sucked. I touched it because my dad worked at the airport and they had an open day when I was a lot younger (Like 2 or 3?) and my dad took me over to that plane because at the time the colours looked...
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    Hmmm, Singapore Flight 006 hit's pretty hard home to me because I've actually touched the...

    Hmmm, Singapore Flight 006 hit's pretty hard home to me because I've actually touched the aircraft itself. So that one was one I investigated thoroughly. Mandarin Flight 642 is another one, and JAL123. But my overall 'favourite' would have to be United 232, Al Haynes is a legend.
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    They tend to be the most interesting events though! (Well at least I find it that way, so maybe...

    They tend to be the most interesting events though! (Well at least I find it that way, so maybe I'm morbid too).
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    Year 12 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Re: Year 11 2012 Chit Chat Thread Haha I remember Icy Tower, that was pretty fun but got boring pretty quickly for me XD
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    Yeah the Cavalese disaster was terrible....updated charts was all that was needed to avoid it...

    Yeah the Cavalese disaster was terrible....updated charts was all that was needed to avoid it. :( (Ironically I was researching it the other night) I like to dig through archives more on the internet now rather than watching TV, I like investigating the little unknown incidents in my spare...
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    Year 12 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Re: Year 11 2012 Chit Chat Thread Good times, continuously being called a cheater on CS 1.6 / COD4 Lan games lmao cause I destroyed everyone. ezfragging.
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    Assessment thread.

    Now that's time management.
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    What other documentaries do you like?

    What other documentaries do you like?
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    What's everyone planning to accomplish these holidays?!

    More keen on GW2 than Dota2 :|
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    Maths Help?

    Yes! I'm not the only one. XD
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    Doing the sums - does a private education add up?

    Enlighten yourself and read Anh Do's "The Happiest Refugee". Then rethink your statement.
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    What's everyone planning to accomplish these holidays?!

    This, I always procrastinate sleeping LOL. I manage to be OK throughout the day really, it's just a pain getting up.