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  1. M-turkey

    Einstein the Greatest plagiarist of the 20th century

    What an idiot... One of the referenced websites ( has links that refer to NASA faking the moon landings. If you want to make a point, find VALID references. Sites that are recognised... thats the problem with the internet. Idiots can publish what...
  2. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    I wish F1 people would make things easier. ITV have a story, released on Monday titled "MASSA DENIES FERRARI DEAL" Then a second story dated Tuesday titled "MASSA CONFIRMED AS BARRICHELLO'S REPLACEMENT" What was the point of stalling for one day?
  3. M-turkey


    Anyone seen/heard this? It's pretty close to having the same effect as the Freaky Frog, but cooler!
  4. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    How nerdy did Nick Fry want to sound during his interview... I'm glad to see Williams scoring some points, even if it was mainly at the expense of Alonso and Barrichello...
  5. M-turkey

    War of the Worlds

    My parents own the Vinyl recording of War of the Worlds. Inspired from when they did the radio broadcast. It has a booklet of sketches of scenes. I swear Spielberg has copied these almost exactly for scenes.
  6. M-turkey

    Coldplay X&Y

    It took ages for X&Y to come out. I first heard that they were recording about 18 months prior. It's a good progression of Coldplay's music. My favourite would be White Shadows
  7. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    It looks like Zsolt Baumgartner could have a come back with a drive for Minardi. Friesacher is broke, so they're looking for someone with money to take the drive...
  8. M-turkey

    Life of Pi

    lol, there's not much maths in it at all, if any.
  9. M-turkey

    Life of Pi

    Yeah, we thought about that too after reading it. The fact the Pi was Christian, Muslim AND Hindu made things a bit complicated. It wasnt like the book caused a huge revelation or anything
  10. M-turkey

    Life of Pi

    Our English class read Life of Pi last year,I enjoyed iy so much I purchased my own copy. Most of the class enjoyed it, cept some of the girls didnt enjoy the drinking of the turtle blood... It's being turned into a movie too, with the director of the newest Harry Potter...
  11. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    Although I hate to say it, I'm kinda clad Montoya won today, he needed to win a race. What the hell is going on at williams? I lose interest in the race (esspecially after midnight) when Webber's not doing well...
  12. M-turkey

    Edgar allan poe

    Thats "Mr Raven" by MC Lars, I loved that too. Poe was an fantastic writer, he basically invented the crime thriller genre... I did an assignment on him, and used the simpsons version of The Raven during my presentation. He was an interesting character. He married his cousin and I think he...
  13. M-turkey

    Lifting devices

    You could talk about how larege cranes are impractical. Say a company was building a new sky-scaper which was to be 400m high. Using a 400m + crane would be stupid. Think of a lever 400m long and you put something that weighed a couple of tonnes on the end. It would take a HUGE amount of force...
  14. M-turkey

    V8 Supercars 2005

    lol, RPM managed to get Eccelstone to say "Happy 250th episode". I was surprised...
  15. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    lol, they could just do the drive through at 300 so km/h
  16. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    I agree with that. At one stage it was only Ferrari that wanted to race, Jordan and Minardi were gonna pull out too. With that situation, as if they wouldnt want to rule against the GPWC teams. However I reakon something like this will encourage them to start the rival series.
  17. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    lol, how funny was Montero? First ever Podium and he wanted to celebrate, but the Ferrari boys just walked away and left him there by himself. Even though it was a joke of a race, I spose the results would have to stand. They cant call it a non-championship round, because the 3 teams that...
  18. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    What garbage... Someone said here if the Michelin teams pull out they would cancel the race... That was stupid, I agree that the race should have continued, but they should have made arrangements for the whole grid to race. Like allowing the tyre changes, but no points going to Michelin...
  19. M-turkey

    V8 Supercars 2005

    I would like to revive this thread. How good was it to see Shanghai! The Official opening thing they had on the sunday was kinda weird, but it was kool. Good to see a Holden Domination, it's been a while...
  20. M-turkey

    Basketball game idea for two people?

    Have you ever seen the movie BASEketball with the guys from South Park? That would be the perfect one on one game. Me and my brother do it every now and again.