Search results

  1. M-turkey

    Abortion debate

    Abortion needs to be upto the individual carrying the baby. Make it legal, so that those who believe its ok can have an abortion. Those who believe it is unethical just avoid it.
  2. M-turkey

    The Literary Acquisition Thread

    Hooray for peoples that like old books! We were set Great Expectations in Year 11 English, which opened my eyes to Victorian Literature. My Library consists of so far: Brontë, Charlotte Jane Eyre Brontë, Emily Wuthering Heights Calvino, Italo Cosmiccomics Cervantes...
  3. M-turkey

    What are you currently Reading?

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix... Damn new HP movie, left me wanting more...
  4. M-turkey

    laptop question

    I have a laptop, which I use pretty much for the same purposes you're after. Its a Compaq Persario. Not the greatest brand, but it does the job. It has: Celeron Processor 1.5 Ghz. 256 Ram. 40 Gb Harddrive. Wireless + 10/100 Network Connectors If you treat it right, with a Celeron...
  5. M-turkey

    PM's XI Cricket - Canberra

    Anyone go to this today? Not as great as it could have been. Langer and Lara (the two pretty much everyone went to see) only got a couple of overs each. Heh. Bravo got the biggest welcome cheer of his career probably. How nuts was the storm? Nothing like a hundred people running through...
  6. M-turkey

    What are you currently Reading?

    Reading Yann Martel's "Life of Pi" for the second time
  7. M-turkey

    Star Wars Battlefront I & II

    My Bro worked out a way where you can play a 2-player battle with ONLY Heros Verses Villians. Its the best. Basically its Yoda, Obi Wan, Luke, Leia, Han, Mace Windu and the other two Jedi verses Anakin and Vader (at the same time too...), Sidious, Bobo Fett, Jango Fett, Dooku, Darth Maul...
  8. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    Wow, this thread was like 3rd from the bottom... F1 2004 is a pretty good game, although the lastest one I own is 2003. Its pretty crap. I guess the programers could only guestimate at the performance of drivers and teams. Cos some of them are pretty mucked up. (Webber usually comes last)...
  9. M-turkey

    Star Wars Battlefront I & II

    One of my Brothers Friends has gotten BF2, and from what he was telling me, it sounds so good. Being able to be a Jedi is heaps good. Apart from Using Lightsabers, there are ways of using "The Force". There are levels from Revenge of the Sith in it as well, naturally. He said something like...
  10. M-turkey

    V8 Supercars 2005

    It sucks so much that we lost the Canberra race, but the way we lost it was typical. We had a small minority that complained saying stuff like "They're too loud" or "They've blocked the roads and I cant get to work" (even though there are millions of ways into Civic) And our bloody "Legistative...
  11. M-turkey

    Intelligent Design Theory explained.

    Those arent scientific theories... Those are Laws (Newton's Second Law, and the Law of Gravitational Motion). They are different, we observe them to be true under all circumstances and therefore are not theories. Theories, for example, our theory for the structure of an atom, with Electrons...
  12. M-turkey


    Yeah, I dont really like Gulliver's Travels either, but I guess I was more refering to his Essays: A modest Proposal and An Argument to Prove That the Abolishing of Christianity in England, May as Things Now Stand, Be Attended with Some...
  13. M-turkey

    Star Wars Battlefront I & II

    My bro has BF1 for PS2. Its pretty good. It's great how they've mixed the battles from throughout the movies, with Wookies, and the Phantom Menace battle between Gungans and the Battle Droid. (i.e. Ja Ja Binks slaughter...) The Jet-pack Clone fighter would have to be my favourite of any of...
  14. M-turkey


    There's nothing wrong with literature thats "intentionally provocative". Some of the best works were written that way. Take a look at Jonathon Swift for example...
  15. M-turkey

    Michelson and Morley Experiment

    Pitty the Flat Earth theory still has a SUN orbiting Earth. Basically all the statement would support is a static universe...
  16. M-turkey

    Michelson and Morley Experiment

    Heh, Have a read of this, it's apparently support for the Flat Earth theory through Michelson-Morley... In classical physics, ether was assumed to be a ephemeral substance which permeated all matter. This omnipresent medium was that through which visible light and other electromagnetic...
  17. M-turkey

    SuSe Linux

    Have a read of: I'm still searching for appropriate drivers. I would like to get mine working too...
  18. M-turkey

    Australia's qualification to the World Cup (Analysis)

    It's already been said that they'll get a ticket-tape parade through Sydney the day after the home leg, if they win. I think Aust has a better chance this time round. Our players are in reasonable form, and uruguay are having injuries..
  19. M-turkey

    Classic Oldies

    Yeah, there's a whole stack of Dickens novels, "Great Expectations" and "The Tale of Two cities" are pretty good. The Bronte Sisters wrote some good works. Oscar Wilde's plays are good too, like "The Importance of being Ernest" Newer classics would be Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty Four" and...
  20. M-turkey

    SuSe Linux

    It shouldnt be the Grub loader, pretty much all it does is choose a partition to boot from. The problem may go deeper than software problems.