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  1. M-turkey

    Intelligent Design Theory explained.

    Intelligent Design is just the world to describe non specific creationism. It can be discuss that way without having to promote a specific religion. I agree that its philisophy, but so are some areas of physics. (topics such as stringtheory, or pretty much anything labelled as a theory)...
  2. M-turkey

    Binding Energy and Strong Nuclear Force

    Thats true. It could have been worked out with common sense. If mass is converted into energy for the strong force. An equal amount of energy would be needed to seperate the nucleons and restore the lost mass. Mass lost from Nucleon to create energy for the stong force (Binding Energy) = Mass...
  3. M-turkey

    mass defect caulation

    Those units would be the mass of each atom in Kilos, if thats what your asking...
  4. M-turkey

    A1 Grand Prix

    Wow, a great Eastern Creek for team Australia so far... Out of the top 10 in pretty much every session to date. So much for the home track advantage
  5. M-turkey

    SuSe Linux

    There is a bug in some Linux distros with AC'97 soundcards and the soundcard detection program. I know Fedora Core 4 has the same problem (Me and a friend could not get it to work, with the Soundcard Detection program freezing when trying to play a test sound). However, the soundcard not...
  6. M-turkey

    First BitTorrent user gets sent down

    There's no point trying to shut down P2P software. It would be like trying to shut down the whole of the internet. There's too many users and too many variations. Like when Napster got shutdown, people just moved elsewhere.
  7. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    FIA Press Release about tyre changes for 2007 "The decision to reintroduce tyre changes in Formula One was supported by an overwhelming majority of the Formula One Commission members and by a unanimous vote of the FIA World Motor Sport Council... ...Michelin are clearly confused, but it is...
  8. M-turkey

    A1 Grand Prix

    Does anyone know if the international A1GP races are being Broadcast? Brands Hatch is this weekend, but I don't see any coverage for it here on TV. I spose Ten will cover it in News and RPM, but I dont think anyone is showing the race...
  9. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    lo, Some of you may have already found this, but some of you might be interested, particuarly Cape. Free Ferrari stickers, its still available, I recieved mine the other day.
  10. M-turkey

    Where do you keep your plates?

    I've got the static P plates. They stick to the inside of the windscreen/rear window pretty well. Although the car has Tinted windows and you cant see the rear one very well...
  11. M-turkey

    Gran Turismo 4

    Anyone made some serious progress in GT4? I completed the Nuburgring 24Hr endurance race over the weekend. That was crazy. You can speed it up (x3) in B-spec mode, but everytime you pit it goes back to the live screen! I ended up running the PS2 for 14 hours! Although, I won 1,200,000...
  12. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    Cape, go spike Nando's and Kimi's drinks with something illegal. They'll be DQ'ed from the Championship and Schumacher can be Champion for at least one more year...
  13. M-turkey

    Alpha Particle Absorption

    This may be a long shot. But would anyone happen to know of a way to calculate the rate alpha particle radiation is absorped in air? The closest information I can find it "in the order of thousands per centimetre of air" Our class is trying to measure radiation levels of some samples and...
  14. M-turkey

    SuSe 9.2 and Broadband

    Cheers, thanks heaps
  15. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    Ferrari has a history of it... Renault didnt do anything wrong. They didnt tell someone to slow down, only someone to pass. There's nothing wrong with that...
  16. M-turkey

    SuSe 9.2 and Broadband

  17. M-turkey

    The F1 Thread

    What rubbish! That was a typical Schumacher mistake, He's done that before, Heidfeld in Melbourne for instance... He acts as though he thinks everyone is gonna give way to him... Renault was ok... They did it properly, they told Nando to pass, not Fisi to slow down.
  18. M-turkey

    SuSe 9.2 and Broadband

    I'm not sure how many SuSe users there would be here, but I need help. Can anyone guide me into how to configure Broadband for SuSe 9.2. I know it can be done during installation, but I didnt do that, and dont want to have to go through it again. It's giving me the shites cos I cant...
  19. M-turkey


    German Lyrics and English translation: ENGLISH I am Snappy, the little crocodile I come from Egypt, located at the Nile I was trapped in my egg at first, But snip-snap-snap and then it burst. Snip Snap Snappy Snappy Snappy Snap Snip Snap Snappy Snappy Snappy Snap I am Snappy...
  20. M-turkey

    2006 is a leap year.

    It's there to re-syncronise the Earth's rotation with the Atomic clocks, so it wont do anything. Apparently the worst that will happen is that GPS devices will think they are 300,000 km away from where they really are for that second.