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  1. M-turkey


    As long as you earn below the tax cutoff, You'll get a group certificate and get your tax deductions back when its tax time. Check in with your wages people to make sure they've applied you TFN
  2. M-turkey

    Uni Acceptance

    The Canberra Times explains it this way: "Some current year 12 applicant may recieve an offer to a course even though they have a UAI below the UAI published as the cut-off for the course. In such cases, the institution concerned has used other selection criteria in addition to or instead of...
  3. M-turkey

    So who got an offer?

    I got offered my first preference of a Bach. Engineering/Science at ANU
  4. M-turkey

    Re Main Round Offers and Preferences

    First Preference: Bacholar Engineering/Science @ ANU
  5. M-turkey

    Missed call: Winners Hotline

    heh, yeah, I got that on my Mobile once. I was like wtf?
  6. M-turkey

    Uni preference

    ANU and then Wollongong
  7. M-turkey

    Uni preference

    ANU and then Wollongong
  8. M-turkey

    I like or am doing physics because...?

    Thats pretty true for me too cept I enjoyed Maths. I guess I'm just a person that prefers factual answers. In pretty much all of Maths, Physics and Chemistry, there's either a right answer or a wrong answer. I like that. When it comes to creative pieces in English, its completely upto the...
  9. M-turkey

    string theory?

    You need a certain understanding of basic quantum physics to be able to understand Elegant Universe thou. insert-username touched on an important point. String Theory and M-theory are almost philosophical. Its unable to be tested. If you read about the history of a unified field theory...
  10. M-turkey

    PSP - For It or Fuck It?

    I got one for Christmas. It was better than I thought it would be. I got a Alien Vs Preditor UMD with it, and the PSP screen and graphics are good enough to enjoy watching it. 400 bucks at the moment is a bit much, I would wait. But its a pretty decent system. Don't knock Sony whores...
  11. M-turkey

    HARRY POTTER & THE HBP - what did you think? (SPOILERS!)

    My Prediction would be that Harry survives and hooks up with Ginny. Ron and Hermione will get together and Luna and Neville will some how get together too... Just a guess
  12. M-turkey

    Is Firefox>Explorer?

    I've used Firefox since 0.9 was released. It was pretty comparable to IE at that point. However since 1.5 was released Firefox is quite a bit ahead of IE in my opinion...
  13. M-turkey

    Who's the best American author?

    My vote would go to Edgar Allen Poe.
  14. M-turkey

    ACT Year 12 Finishers

    The ACT does something like the Victorian VCE. We have continuous assessment and exams. But nothing huge at the end like HSC. We get a UAI equivilent to the HSC UAI
  15. M-turkey

    ACT Year 12 Finishers

    Are there any other BOS users out there from the ACT that have finished Year 12 this year. ACT get rejected on these forums. Anyone get any interesting UAI marks? Seeing we have ours already...
  16. M-turkey


    Whenever I read those books, I always get the urge to start calling people Comrads. They're both good books. Similar in many ways. They play with our emotions well, Animal in particular made be frustrated at some of the Pigs.
  17. M-turkey

    What The...?

    Yeah, its possible to see those type of cars. It was probably moving during a Club race meet or something. Probably an Amature racer.
  18. M-turkey

    How many of you think employers are bias towards males.

    Thats pretty much true. I work at a Supermarket. I stack shelves etc. (i.e. Manual Labor) and everyone in my area is male. However, the people working the registers is a different story. Probably 80% of the people elmployed in the front end are female. It all depends on the type of work...
  19. M-turkey

    Radioisotopes help needed

    Cobalt 60 is <i> primarily</i> a Beta emitter. Although it does emit gamma radiation.
  20. M-turkey

    powerful books

    Yeah, both of Orwell's major works, (1984 and Animal Farm) are pretty heavy. Both of them drag on towards the end though. Wurthering Heights is pretty powerful, although only during the last quarter of the book the rest of it spends too long setting it up.