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  1. Axio

    What to do when you finish the course...

    Hi. So our class is getting close to finishing all the content and I was just wondering what people did after they finished it in previous years? Should I be looking to do questions out of another textbook, go through end of chapter questions, etc? Or should I just be doing past papers (and if...
  2. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 2015 Integration Marathon \int\frac{sin8x}{sinx}dx
  3. Axio

    Economic essay structure please help!!

    This for the majority of the time. And not everything needs a counter argument however if you think of them of course include them in your discussion because it adds sophistication to your response. Graphs are essentially used as evidence for what you are discussing in your paragraphs. There...
  4. Axio

    Proof that e is irrational

    Thanks very much!
  5. Axio

    Proof that e is irrational

    Could someone possibly explain to me the steps of this from how they converted the sum into the sum product thingy up until they get 1/n?
  6. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon Hey Sy could you maybe give a few hints for this question? I can only get part ii)...
  7. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 2015 Integration Marathon Can't be bothered doing latex atm... let integral =I let t=tanx/2, dx/dt=2/t^2+1 This simplifies down to I/2=tan^-1 + t/t^2+1 Then integration by parts on tan^-1: I/2=t/t^2+1 + ttan^-1t -t/t^2+1 I=2ttan^-1t subbing t back in: I=xtanx/2 +c
  8. Axio

    Redistribution effect on tariff graph

    Hi, Can anyone explain what the redistribution effect on a tariff graph is and how to understand it by looking at the graph?
  9. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon Because z^2 -4 is a real negative number it has to be less than 0.
  10. Axio

    Complex Roots of Unity Q

    Hi, Can anyone help me with this question? It asks to find 1+2w+3w^2 and 1+3w+2w^2, where 1,w,w^2 are cube roots of unity. I've found that they equal (-3+-isqrt(3))/2, but I can't figure out which answer (positive or negative) matches which expression. Thanks
  11. Axio

    Integral question

    Lol sorry I meant integration by parts... What does sec(tan^-1(x/4)) equal?
  12. Axio

    Integral question

    Hi guys, can anyone help me with this integral? I=\int \sqrt{16+x^2}dx I know that there would be easier ways to solve it but can anyone see where I've gone wrong? I use a trigonometric substitution and then integration by parts. Assuming my other steps are right, I get to...
  13. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon $Using the substitution:$ \ u= sec\alpha + tan\alpha, \ $solve the integral$ \ \int sec\alpha d\alpha
  14. Axio

    Extension 2 Graphing Help

    No problem :)
  15. Axio

    Extension 2 Graphing Help

    Think about the effect of y=f(x) becoming y=f(|x|). When you input an x value, how does it differ in y=f(|x|)? When x is positive, there is going to be no change in the y values of the graph, as x = |x| if x>0. Now consider when x<0. When x<0 you are going to get the same outcome as if you...
  16. Axio

    Creative Writing Forms

    It's not really that I want to stand out, rather that I'm not good at creative writing and can't think of any ideas :P
  17. Axio

    HSC 2012-2015 Chemistry Marathon (archive)

    re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive wow ok :/
  18. Axio

    HSC 2012-2015 Chemistry Marathon (archive)

    re: HSC Chemistry Marathon Archive I personally thought that a lot of this topic seemed to be rote except for calculations and a few other exceptions.
  19. Axio

    Creative Writing Forms

    Hey So I trying to come up with other forms of creative writing to use instead of a short story and when I had a look at a few of the previous SecII questions that have been on the exams, a lot of them say 'compose an imaginative piece of writing...'. I was wondering whether a form like a...
  20. Axio

    Question about Conics
