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  1. Axio

    Question about Conics

    Hi, I was just wondering in regards to conics questions in exams that require you to find the tangent/normal/chord of contact etc, do you need to prove them from scratch for any question or are there some questions where you can just write the formula down or whatever? Thanks
  2. Axio

    Half Yearly Past Papers

    Ok thanks, so you guys think that all the schools have decent past papers?
  3. Axio

    Half Yearly Past Papers

    Hi, I was just wondering what half yearly 4U papers are good to practice on? Or are they all good? Thanks
  4. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon P(asec\theta ,btan\theta ) \ $lies on the hyperbola$ \ \frac{x^2}{a^2}-\frac{y^2}{b^2}=1 $ \ with foci (\pm ae,0) $Show that$ \ PS=a(esec\theta -1) \ and \ PS'=a(esec\theta +1)
  5. Axio

    CAD Questions

    Thanks swagmeister, that was very helpful. :haha:
  6. Axio

    CAD Questions

    Hi can someone please help me with these two textbook questions about the CAD. 1. Explain two ways in which a CAD can be financed. 2. Explain three possible effects of an increase in CAD on economic and trade performance. For 1, I thought that the CAD is financed by the capital and...
  7. Axio

    How do you apply lip-liner?

  8. Axio

    How do you apply lip-liner?

    ask adrita
  9. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon 0=x^8-1 0=(x^4-1)(x^4+1) 0=(x^2-1)(x^2+1)(x^4+1) 0=(x-1)(x+1)(x^6+x^4+x^2+1) \therefore \ $Solutions of P(x)=0 are the solutions of$ \ x^8=1 \ $where$ \ x\neq \pm 1 \therefore \ $Solutions are:$ \ x=cis\pm \frac{\pi }{4}, cis\pm \frac{\pi }{2}, cis\pm \frac{3\pi }{4}...
  10. Axio

    Help I'll be missing out on some of year 11

    English: Read text(s) and analyse, make notes, write an essay, etc Maths: Do exercises All the others: Start writing notes/reading textbooks/doing questions Don't worry too much. Yr11 isn't that important.
  11. Axio

    Explain why voltage transformations are related to conservation of energy

    Thanks!!! I found a 2004 thread which explained it quite well, hence why I deleted the thread :P. But ofc you explained it better.
  12. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon I did it by equating the coefficients of the x terms. So if you just let -2Re(z)=n, then by looking at the brackets: (x^2 +nx+7)(x^2+nx+7) you know that the sum of the x terms will be 7nx+7nx which =-56x. Then 14n=-56, n=-4. Your method is good :). An alternative...
  13. Axio

    Explain why voltage transformations are related to conservation of energy

    Hey. So just like the title says, in what ways are voltage transformations related to the law of conservation of energy? Thanks. :santa:
  14. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon $Suppose$ \ 0\leq x\leq \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} $i) Show that$ \ 0\leq \frac{2x^2}{1-x^2}\leq 4x^2 $ii) Hence show that$ \ 0\leq \frac{1}{1-x}+\frac{1}{1+x}-2\leq 4x^2
  15. Axio

    HSC 2015 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 4U Marathon $Let$ \ P(x)=(x-z)^2(x-\bar{z})^2 =(x^2-2Re(z)+|z|^2)^2 $By inspection$, P(x)=(x^2-4x+7)^2 \ $over$ \ \mathbb{R} \therefore \ $By evaluating the real part and modulus of z,$ \ Re(z)=2, \ Im(z)=\pm \sqrt{3} \therefore \ $Roots are:$ \ x=2\pm \sqrt{3}i --...
  16. Axio

    Someone please help me !!! :(

    What about this?
  17. Axio

    Relativity and E=mc^2

    Very helpful, thanks guys! :D
  18. Axio

    Relativity and E=mc^2

    How does the equivalence of energy and mass (E=mc^2) really fit in to the topic of special relativity? Is it to do with mass dilation?
  19. Axio

    Should I keep ext 2?

    Well I agree with Astro. Keep it and try and improve unless you feel like you aren't enjoying it and it is becoming a burden.
  20. Axio

    Should I keep ext 2?

    Did you find the test hard? Or did you just make lots of silly mistakes?