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  1. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon (i) let a=sinx, b=cosx sinx * sqroot(1-1+sin^2 x) +cosx * sqroot(1-1+cos^2 x) =sin^2 x + cos^2 x =1 Therefore, a^2 + b^2 = sin^2 x + cos^2 x =1.
  2. Axio

    how to hide my cat from my parents?

    Go to your Dad and whisper: 'Mum didn't want me to tell you this, but she secretly bought a kitten, just pretend you don't know about it." Then go to your Mum and say exactly the same thing about your Dad.
  3. Axio

    Complex Number Question

    i. w^k=cis2pik/9 solutions of z^9=1: 1 is a solution, and other solutions are spaced equally around unit circle. Therefore, z=cis2pik/9 are the solutions where k = 0,1,2...8. and therefore z=w^k. (Not sure if this is a proof...) ii. R.T.P w^8 +w^7... +1=0 0=z^9 -1 =(z^3-1)(z^6+z^3+1)=(z-1)(z^2...
  4. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon - Advanced Level Noice. :D Could you explain to me how you get that first line to fit the AM-GM inequality?
  5. Axio

    Who's going to practice eugenics

    Don't worry Adrita, since: That means square's band 4 English won't affect them.
  6. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon :spam:
  7. Axio

    Related Texts for Michael Gow's "Away"

    Even if this is the case, as long as it is about discovery it should be fine. You could even discuss in the oral how the texts depict completely different portrayals of discovery which demonstrates its breadth as a concept.
  8. Axio

    Geography or economics

    Great teachers make an unbelievable difference to how much you enjoy and excel at a subject. Although I haven't done it, geography does get much better in Year 11 and 12. Economics is a very enjoyable subject too, a few of the concepts can be a bit difficult but it is mainly the amount of...
  9. Axio

    Extension 2 Patel Exercise 4O Question 6,19

    For 19 (I think this is right): sub z=x+iy into w=(z-1)^2 +2 and expand. The sub in x=0 into that to obtain a parabola.
  10. Axio

    Complex number q help

    Remember |w-z| is a distance, so it does not have to originate from the origin.
  11. Axio

    Budget 2014

    I personally thought that the copayment was a good idea.
  12. Axio

    Not a great start to HSC Mathematics....

    What's it on?
  13. Axio

    2015 Textbook

    Some 2015 editions are already out.
  14. Axio

    Selling Cheap HSC+Prelim textbooks | Chem | Eco | Maths| Business

    Re: Selling Cheap HSC+Prelim textbooks | Chem | Eco | Business | Can I buy your MIF textbook? Plz.
  15. Axio

    Patel Exercise 4O question 3:

    Maybe place the z at (5,-12) on the Argand diagram, then sq root its modulus and divide its arg by 2...
  16. Axio

    Patel Exercise 4O question 3:

    For B trying letting z = x+iy. Might make it clearer.
  17. Axio

    Valid argument for dropping to 10 Units of Study

    Try to make them persuade your parents into letting you drop.
  18. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon I got (assuming same letters are always undistinguishable; I could be wrong lol): Number of total arrangements - number of arrangements with 2 Rs together = 12!/(2!2!2!) - (2!11!)/(2!2!2!)