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  1. Axio

    A taste of higher mathematics!

    What are you doing for your PhD?
  2. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon In how many ways can the word: CARROTSTICKS be arranged in a line so that the two Rs (which are indistinguishable) are separated by at least one other letter?
  3. Axio

    Dance Partner Wanted

    Talk to sinyeta, assuming you did 4U.
  4. Axio

    Fitness Thread

    Try this:
  5. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon Meant this. Feel free to share the easier method :tongue:.
  6. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon i) cosn\theta =cos^{n}-\binom{n}{2}sin^{2}\theta cos^{n-2}\theta +\binom{n}{4}sin^{4}\theta cos^{n-4}\theta...\\ =cos^{n}-\binom{n}{2}(cos^{n-2}\theta-cos^{n}\theta) +\binom{n}{4}(cos^{n-4}\theta-2cos^{n-2}\theta+cos^{n}\theta )...\\\Rightarrow...
  7. Axio

    Complex Root of Unity questions!!

    I used cis2pi/3. But if you think about it... w^12 =(w^3)^4=1^4=1.
  8. Axio

    Complex Root of Unity questions!!

    I went w^12=cis8pi (de Moivre). Then cis8pi= cis1440=cis360=1+0i=1
  9. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon By using the binomial theorem on cos5theta and solving the equation 32x^5 -40x^3 +10x -1=0, find the exact form of cos\frac{\pi}{15}cos\frac{7\pi}{15}cos\frac{13\pi}{15}cos\frac{19\pi}{15}.
  10. Axio

    Complex Root of Unity questions!!

    I've done a few. Some may be wrong. 1a. w is a cube root of unity, making w^3 =1. Clearly w=1 is a solution. The roots are equally spaced around the unit circle. Making w=1, cis2pi/3, cis-2pi/3= cos2pi/3 - sin2pi/3. 1b. w^2, w and 1 are cube roots of unity...
  11. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon ^ I removed the brackets from Im to make it easier to do.
  12. Axio

    HSC 2014 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2014 4U Marathon z satisfies |z-i|=Imz+1. Sketch/determine the locus of P(x,y) representing z. If A is the point (0,1) on the Argand diagram and B is the y-intercept of the tangent of the locus at P on the Argand diagram, show that angleAPB=angleABP.
  13. Axio

    choosing related texts

    True. There is a much older film version of it though :P
  14. Axio

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    For this I sometimes find putting my phone and laptop at the other end of the house helps so I'm less likely to 'just quickly check something or take a break'. If you struggle to focus maybe try doing history or multimedia homework first so you are actually doing work then try moving onto your...
  15. Axio

    choosing related texts

    Even though it is frowned upon, studying the film rather than the novel may be ok...
  16. Axio

    choosing related texts

    It will make no difference whether it's part of a trilogy or not.
  17. Axio

    Ranks for 99.95

    Don't pretend you don't know... =.=
  18. Axio

    Ranks for 99.95

  19. Axio

    need 4u for med?

    Dat .95 tho
  20. Axio

    Go Back To Where You Came From - Discovery Help

    Some ideas (not sure if they're right): Visual techniques - use of cross cutting, eg. Contrasting Darren and Adam's reactions to the raid. - pathetic fallacy when Adam visited Villawood - Close ups of characters during moments of discovery; signifies importance of discovery Sound techniques...