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  1. X

    General Thoughts

    Something completely unrelated. Like has literally got nothing to do with the question. I misread it and didn't quite get what it was asking. It hit me after I finished the exam and felt like a complete idiot. Oh well. For MC I only had 5 answers that were different to yours. 20 was very...
  2. X

    General Thoughts

    hjed, what did you write for the assumptions and specification question? and do you remember how much marks it was worth?
  3. X

    General Thoughts

    That's nothing to be proud of.. Why didn't you at least attempt them? they're pretty lenient with algorithms. And there was no one big algorithm like past papers. There were a lot of really small ones. What did everyone write for the algorithm to fill in an array of 52 elements. I just did...
  4. X

    General Thoughts

    What did you guys do for that MaxPos question with fill in the blanks. I didn't even know what the question was asking..
  5. X

    General Thoughts

    yeah that was hard. I just had it pointing to a rectangle "Check Weight" and that linked to "Calculate Fees" and that had a little decision diamond that either went back to the main weight module with a flag "no fees" or went back up to it's parent module passing on data of "fees". I was stumped...
  6. X

    General Thoughts

    HAHAHA wtf was that I just talked about possible collaboration from home or collaboration with developers overseas etc Sharing files and work documents over the network Maintaining the software remotely or some bs
  7. X

    General Thoughts

    Oops. Edited my post. Yeah I had it in the exam too. But that logic error question for the flowchart was hard. I didn't think about the post-test loop. I guess it would work fine if there is at least one record in the customer record. I assumed that the "payment due" was a flag and "date due"...
  8. X

    Can someone upload the paper?

    Don't have a scanner, but I'd be glad to help you if you want some specific questions.
  9. X

    General Thoughts

    I think so, because the EBNF for D was A[{B} | {C}] but if you wanted to get ABBBBBB you couldn't, because if you wanted to get more than one B you would have to go past A again, therefore you'd get ABABAB. What did you guys do for the Half-Adder questions. I just wrote "carry in" as an input...
  10. X

    General Thoughts

    for 15, C can't be right. The EBNF is {A <B>} but in the railroad diagram A is in the rectangle not B. B must be in the rectangle because it had <> in the EBNF.
  11. X

    General Thoughts

    But it had a loop... It had a decision that said "Last Record?" and if 'NO' then it went back up to the top again and repeated it...
  12. X

    General Thoughts

    I'm pretty sure that one was D - "Testing whether a system is ready to become available to the end users" B was "Testing the user-friendliness of the of the interface by the end users"
  13. X

    General Thoughts

    I had something like i = 1 WHILE customer(i).custID <> 0 and is valid IF customer(i).payment due = TRUE AND customer(i).date due < Today's date THEN Add to overdue list ENDIF Increment i END WHILE Print overdue records I assumed that the question said that if a payment is due...
  14. X

    General Thoughts

    Do you have the test paper or is this from memory? question 16 is about "acceptance testing", 17 is about binary search.
  15. X

    General Thoughts

    What did everyone get for MC? 1C 2D 3B 4B 5B (pretty sure this is C, I put C then changed it) 6A 7A 8A 9A 10C 11B 12D 13B 14A 15B 16D 17B 18A 19B 20A
  16. X

    General Thoughts

    That was so fucking hard. Very different from all the past papers. What the fuck. Everyone else in my class also found it very difficult.
  17. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    This thread is derailing, so here are some hardware questions. What is 87 in hexadecimal? (2) What is the 2s complement for 42 (1) What is 34+(-29)? (2) Define the agile approach and how does it differ from the structured approach? (3) How is 249.0625 expressed in 32-bit IEEE754 (3) What is...
  18. X

    Industrial Technology Multimedia Exam

    Frame rate drop because of the screen capturing software Representation of colour and graphics is not accurate and depends on the computer that's running the game. Resolution of the video is dependant on the monitor that is being used for the gameplay
  19. X

    General Thoughts of Industrial Technology Timber Exam

    I don't do timber, but for section 3, did you guys actually talk about strategies to establish and maintain a safe work culture? or did you just write about safety equipment and techniques? What long-term strategies (in order to maintain safe work culture) did you guys talk about?
  20. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    Woah easy there bro. I really doubt they'd ask anything near that in the exam. That's way too hard. Did you look at last year's hardware section?