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  1. X

    SDD Female/Male Ratio

    HAHAHAHA lold My class consists of 8 guys. All the girls dropped at the end of year 11.
  2. X

    Sdd 2013 predictions

    No worries. Best of the luck for the exam.
  3. X

    Sdd 2013 predictions

    Conditional statements are your is your IF/ELSE Logical operators include <, >, OR, AND, =, <>/!=. What are you ranked in SDD in your school btw?
  4. X

    Sdd 2013 predictions

    That is a really bad example. I don't know what you're trying to do with these "real life scenarios" and aspie ideology. And yes, everything you need to know about algorithms and pseudocode is in the SDD course specifications. Just know your pre/post-test and counted loops, conditional...
  5. X

    Sdd 2013 predictions

    Good on you for taking your time to type that out. But don't you guys know that all of this is in the course specifications?
  6. X

    Sdd 2013 predictions

    They're gonna pick on some hardware questions - address bus, data bus, clock speed, fetch-execute cycle. Compilation, interpretation and the translation process. Debugging tools/methods CASE and COTS and of course, algorithms (your sorts, binary search, string functions). That's what I think...
  7. X

    Sdd 2013 predictions

    An hero.
  8. X

    Can any offer me an ATAR estimation?

    We need your school rank to estimate your ATAR. Ignore amirbang.
  9. X

    Anybody else forget to tick "Tick this box if you have used another writing booklet"?

    Re: Anybody else forget to tick "Tick this box if you have used another writing bookl They have the checkbox there for a reason. If it wasn't needed, then... It wouldn't be on the booklet would it?
  10. X

    Is my handwriting going to be a problem?

    What language is in the image OP posted?
  11. X

    Sdd 2013 predictions

    Yeah same. Hopefully not too hard though. They're gonna pick on the sorts like last year. What do you reckon would be in the test?
  12. X

    Good luck english students

  13. X

    Good luck english students

  14. X

    Sdd 2013 predictions

    Post what you think will be picked on in the 2013 HSC. I think it will be more prac-based like last year with not as much theory.
  15. X

    Atar estimate please? (Don't be harsh, just informative)

    90 for SDD and you're 14th? Damn. Must be a really good cohort.
  16. X

    Case study

    You don't need to memorise a case study. Only ones that might pop up are the Y2K and Napster cases. Don't waste too much time on them though.
  17. X

    Thoughts on possible ATAR with my ranks

    90-92 lol. there is no "minimum" ATAR. You could get a band 4 if you do crap in externals. Just focus on doing your best in the exam.