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  1. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    The answer is log2(n) where n is the number of elements in the array. Since no calculators are allowed you have to do it manually. Just keep cutting in half (rounding down to a whole number) and check if the number you're looking for is less or greater than the number you land on. If I...
  2. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

  3. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    WHILE NOT EOF IDString = IDCharacter + IDString READ IDCharacter END WHILE It says while not "end of file", therefore it is starting form the beginning of the file. Hence the order.
  4. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    + is OR, •/*/x is AND
  5. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    in boolean algebra 1+1 = 1 1+0 = 1 1•1 = 1 1•0 = 0 In binary 1+1 = 10 1+0 = 1 0+0 = 0 1-1 = 0 1-0 = 1 0-0 = 0 1*1 = 1 1*0 = 0 0*0 = 0
  6. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    Read the boolean algebra rules on page 451 in Sam Davis' book or look them up online. The following rules are from the SDD textbook by Samuel Davis (AB + AB)A = A(AB+AB) -> rule 1b (AB = BA) = A(AB(1+1)) -> rule 4a (A+A = A) -> in this case AB+AB = AB = A(AB) = AAB -> rule 3a ( A(B+C) = AB+AC )...
  7. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    1) (ab + ab)a = a(ab+ab) = a(ab(1+1)) = a(ab) = aab = ab 2) a b c d 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 EDIT: Everything's changed into lowercase for some reason :/
  8. X

    Marks required in HSC for Band 6??

    A raw mark of 83 is aligned to band 6. The cut off for a band 5 is around 65.
  9. X

    Atar estimate, URGENT

    Depends on the subjects and their school's rank.
  10. X

    Why's Industrial Technology Timber a shit scaling subject?

    Yeah it's not on the same level as chem or phys. It's much harder. You actually have to do something practical and something real. Not like physics where you just right shit on a paper. It doesnt exist. Timber is a real subject. It should be category A+ and physics should be category Z...
  11. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    Contribooting some questions 'cus marathon thread 1) Name the THREE main stages involved in the translation of a programming language. (2) 2) Explain the use of a parse tree and token passing in the second stage of translation (4) 3) Compare the structured development approach with the agile...
  12. X

    SDD Marathon 2013

    Feasibility is not in the new syllabus for Software. The new syllabus is in effect from the 2012 HSC onwards. If you're gonna do a marathon thread, then get SDD questions from past papers or similar to past papers/trial papers.
  13. X

    Why's Industrial Technology Timber a shit scaling subject?

    Multimedia, Graphics and Electronics don't involve wood.
  14. X

    Atar estimate, URGENT

    ATAR calculators take in your HSC mark, not your raw marks. Your raw mark will be aligned - refer to the raw marks database for an indication of what your raw marks will be aligned to. Click here to see the raw marks database And your maths rank is not bad at all. It will drag you down but not...
  15. X

    Sdd 2013 predictions

    inb4 3D printing
  16. X

    Why's Industrial Technology Timber a shit scaling subject?

    I think you mean Industrial Technology, not "timber tech". Multimedia, Graphics, Metal and Engineering, Timber Products and Furniture, Automotive, Electronics, they all fall under Industrial Technology. Graphics and Multimedia students are typically the ones who get the higher bands.
  17. X

    how is is get 78 atar

    What's your school rank?
  18. X

    Why's Industrial Technology Timber a shit scaling subject?

    I'm doing Industrial Technology, too. I am doing Multimedia Technologies though. It is such a shit scaling subject because of Timber, Metal, etc. that don't give a fuck about their HSC and don't try in the exam nor their major projects. A band 6 is still possible. A lot of people get band 6s...