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  1. Master Gopher

    General Chatter

    Re: wow, possibly the easiest thing ive done Yep that bugged me so bad, probably spent about 5 minutes turning pages to spell her name... could have just called it "the Source" I guess, but exams kind of scramble your brain... that do be my excuse 8-) Otherwise, nice straightforward exam I...
  2. Master Gopher

    Exam Thoughts

    Yeah, the richness in stuff you can make up was ok I guess for the bits I missed, but pretty frustrating after you spend ages learning a million names and numbers and dates and processes , only to find they don't really care. I was annoyed because once again, communication didn't ask for...
  3. Master Gopher

    Virus Challenge Questions

    Viruses are alive only insofar as they have DNA can reproduce. However, they cannot reproduce without a host cell, or metabolise. They can also survive crytallisation which is a characteristic shared by no other organism. I don't think that viruses are really "alive" or "non-living" , as...
  4. Master Gopher

    Whats the difference?...

    s'ok ;) Good luck!
  5. Master Gopher

    How was the course taught at your school?

    I don't think I should tell you whether to restructure what you're doing or not, 'cause if you're getting good marks maybe to change it would be a bad idea particularly at this stage...and you might be able to manage perfectly well with what you've learned. In my half-yearly, there was a...
  6. Master Gopher

    How was the course taught at your school?

    OK, well in reference to people saying things are "classic/scientific historians" and also "empiricists" - that translates pretty much to modernism - belief there is some sort of absolute truth, and by careful consideration of evidence you can get to 'what actually happened'. However note that...
  7. Master Gopher

    foot and mouth

    There's this dot point: "Analyse information from secondary sources to describe one name infectious disease in terms of its cause, transmission, host response, major symptoms, treatment, preventions and control" You could use it for that, but I think malaria is an excellent one to use. and...
  8. Master Gopher

    Lysosomes and Lysozymes

    They're not quite the same: A lysosome is a cytoplasmic organelle containing various enzymes involved in digestion, etc. Lysozyme is an enzyme present in saliva, tears, and inside lysosomes, which can attack bacteria via digestion. So one is a structure, the other an enzyme. You can remember...
  9. Master Gopher

    Should History Extension become two separate units?

    Splitting it is an awesome idea. People perhaps don't realise what a workload there is for project + coursework until they are in the middle of it (I didn't ;)) And yes, having it externally marked would encourage people to work harder - and also some people with lots of subjects might prefer...
  10. Master Gopher

    Using Examples from Case Study in 'What is History'

    Some things in my case study are very relevant to 'What is History' (obviously, the one is based on the other, so the same ideas are being addressed) - would it be ok to use quotes from a particular historian (eg Bassnett writing about Elizabeth I) to supplement (not replace) other historians...
  11. Master Gopher

    Whats the difference?...

    Purpose is generally specific to what the author wants the work to do or what cause they are promoting. Function seems to include hindsight. For example we can look back and say "The History Of Everything functioned as a guide to the study of history in the 17th century" (function), whereas you...
  12. Master Gopher

    Is History Extension hard???

    Yes. It's bloody awesome.
  13. Master Gopher

    High Noon

    Most people don't do High Noon, but anyway: it's such an unusual text in terms of subverting conventions of the genre, it's often hard to pin down what exactly it does say about Revenge Tragedy. So I've got this sort of thing: * Rather than the avenger being isolated, it is the victim who is...
  14. Master Gopher

    The, "Who hasn't studied" Thread

    Adds to prayer: Please please no text types, a nice straightforward essay would rock.
  15. Master Gopher

    Everybody likes 2 hour exams

    Pretty much just essay plans, and fiddling my creatives to see if they'll fit different text types. Have they asked for interviews/feature articles or anything like that in Q1 before? Almost everything I've seen short of the odd commercial trial is just an essay. After all of Paper 2 was...
  16. Master Gopher

    Catholic Trials: Why?

    I've always wondered: why do the Catholic schools have their own set of trials, rather than each school doing their own/getting in outside exam packages, as the Independent schools do? What is the advantage? All the teachers I have mentioned them to including my mother (none of which come...
  17. Master Gopher

    What do you think of the Biki?

    Re: What do you think of the BOS wiki? Well, I think the Biki is a great idea. Even if people screw with it, yes, it is easy to revert, and also the number of people who want a useful service usually outweigh the spammers. So overall, the wiki will end up mostly usable. As a general rule...
  18. Master Gopher

    just wondering what pplz are doign in ancient?

    I did two historical periods (Rome 78-28, and Augustus and the Julio-Claudians)...but that was before all this core study foolishness ;)
  19. Master Gopher

    how to learn biology

    Revise in a month books are good, (especially for revising in a week :D) but I also reccomend the Maquarie Biology study guide. These are v. clear and have nothing you don't need to know (Most of the textbooks waffle a bit, even the really good ones) and cover every dot point. It also includes...
  20. Master Gopher

    Biology study methods

    I pretty much summarise dot points with diagrams and examples and such, and that's about it. Occasionally I stick sheets of stuff above my desk. However I suggest that better than just revising is also doing as many practice questions as you possibly can, because answering exam questions is a...