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  1. S

    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    do u guys reckon 82/84 wld get a state ranking?
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    Questions that weren't worth it.

    cause in rising LFPR: i wrote better economic conditions, hidden unemployed/ discouraged workers are re-encouraged to seek jobs effects: less hidden unemployed, rising equality of income/wealth, growth
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    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    hmm most of question 6 wasnt realli projectiles i mean (i) was distance formula (ii) was finding a turning point through differentiation (iii) this was the onli real projectile related question, and it was only 1 mark neway you just differentiate y = vtsin@ - 1/2gt^2. and let dy/dt > 0 and sub...
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    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    very happy with a performance! 84/84 at the moment i deduced all the 'show' questions only a few doubts:: for 1e i got 16,-16 3c(ii) i got 320 and q4(a )(ii) and (iii) not completely sure i got it rite
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    Q 2 d) ellipse

    the centre was 5 + 3i, not (5,3) it asked for the complex representation also remember u when u draw the ellipse, it hasta 'touch' the x and y axis
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    Scholarship Letter Sent Out

    err no its true u idiot its called the USYD Scholarships for Outstanding Achievement in the HSC for people who get 99.95 or 100.00
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    Length contraction???

    FFS 7 page thread on ONE question wTF? the answer is 0.3m for the dot point that says 'discuss the implications of length contraction etc. for space travel' length contraction is an advantage coz the SPACESHIP has to travel through LESS SPACE. if ur STATIONARY relative to an object...
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    Question 2 of multiple choice

    It's B. once the centripetal force is removed, there is no force acting on the ball. Therefore the ball continues on its tangential velocity at the point of break in a straight line
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    General thoughts on the exam

    anything between 85-90 is reallly really good given the way the HSC is strictly criteria marked. i hope for 90%
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    question 16 ?

    7.5 x 10^5 J is correct however, interesting to note that it takes less energy to move the object a further distance
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    Module C: Representation and Text

    i thought 1984 powerplay was very very kind i.e. the human experience thingo applied much better to 'power' than to 'truth' i talked about Winston's spiritual and ethical atrophy, how doublethink establishes a social facade to dictate human lifestyle, and newspeak/language which removes the...
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    Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Context

    i thought the hamletRAGAD was okish i talked about - how shakespeare's language represented the higher order - how stoppard focuses on the common man, to represent the loss of heroism&morality in XXth century. trivialising Hamlet who embodies moral order - how hamlet's procrastination...
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    Hsc marks! What do u hope to get ?

    Hoping for 4u Maths: 94 3u maths: 99 Physics: 94 Economics: 95 English Adv: 88-90 n hoping to meet UAI estimate of 99.50
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    Angular Velocity Question

    but after you get d^2 x/dt^2 and d^2 y/dt^2 why dont you do sqrt ( [d^2 x /d t^2]^2 + [d^2 y + d t^2]) to find acceleration i.e. pythagoras
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    Angular Velocity Question

    hi i have a question so if you have a particle moving in circular motion how do you find the accelerations of the particle say u have x = cos@ , y = sin@ you differentiate wrt t twice, but then how do u find acceleration? sometimes i see pythagoras used, but sumtyms i see horizontal...
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    Complex # Locus Qs. (I Need Serious Help)

    1. let z = x + iy and u know that lzl = sqrt(x^2 + y2) so you get sqrt[ (x + 4)^2 + (y - 4)^2 ] = 2sqrt[ (x -4)^2 + (y - 1)^2] then u just square both sides and simplify 2. same thing lzl = sqrt ( x^2 + y^2) so 2sqrt(x^2 + y^2) = 2x + 4 then you square both sides and...
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    hsc exam marks

    hi. last year in my school the top mark receieved in a subject was 98 - MX2 100 - MX1 (four people in fact) 97 - phys 96 - eng advanced 96 - economics i heard that no-one receieves 100 in the state for physics. while 3u maths gives out a lot of high marks (4 100's just from my...
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    elementary particle dynamics

    hi could someone please help out here im quite confused about this.. the total air+road resistance of a car is proportional to v^2 (v is velocity). When the engine is disengaged the car moves down as inclined plane, angle arcsin (1/30), with a velocity 30ms. Find the force necessary to...
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    complex numbers

    hey im stuck in this past paper question. would realli lyk help -------------------------10 i) Find the roots of z = 1 (i can do this part) -----------------------------10 explain why ( (z-1) / z) = 1 only has nine roots, show the roots of this equation are z = 1/2 (1 + i...
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    projectile motion harder problems

    thankyou heapss i did most of what you did but i couldnt finish it before. nice UAI btw