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  1. S


    hi i dont under this GPE thing ________________m1m2 the formula is = -G r but when u lift an object up into the air.. doesn;t its GPE increase according to this it would decrease. so as im CLOSER to the surface of the Earth is my GPE larger or smaller. im also confused since this...
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    syllabus dot point

    one of the dot points is: present info and use available evidence to discuss factors affecting the strength of the gravitational force. what does this mean? i'm guessing its referring to _____m1m2 F = G d^2 i cant find any available EVIDNECE to discuss this
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    more polynomials

    you could sub in -3/x into the original equation but they chose to sub -x/3 into the 2nd one.. coz its roots are the reciprical of part a
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    help wif questions

    nope. the modulus is given by root(x^2 + y^2) yeh so from wat icycloud sed.. re(z) < lzl wat i did was.. x < root(x^2 + y^2) so IF x > 0 2 y > 0 this is baiscally everything except the axis and IF x < 0 2 y < 0 this is nothing since y is real. is this correct?
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    help wif questions

    Hi i cant seem to do the following. 1) Find the relationship between a and c for 3 x - 3ax + c to have 3 distinct real roots 2) Sketch l z + 1 l < l z l + 1 3) integrate: .......-x __e____ ........-2x 1 + e ---------- edit sorry i cant work these ones out...
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    4u Mathematics Marathon V 1.0

    wth r all u ppl doing.. why not juss (+ e^x - e^x) to the numerator then its just 1 - (e^X)/(1 + e^X)
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    BALANCE OF PAYMENTS - Speculation?

    see, i can understand speculation if its lyk .. sahres and things.. that goes under portfolio investment in the financial account. but what if its just somebody going to TRAVELEX buying AUD. hoping itll go up later. i dont c where that would go
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    BALANCE OF PAYMENTS - Speculation?

    Hi, I learnt that speculation take up a HUGE amount of daily forex transactions (something lyk 80-90%?) Where does this go on the Balance of Payments? Is it included? If it's not then how can the BOP = 0??? please helppp
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    AWESOME ===>de moivre's thorem and polynomials<==== AweSOME!

    ...........................................4 easy. expand (cosθ + isinθ) using de movire's and binomial then equate real parts ......................2......................2 turn all the sin θ's into 1 - cos θ .......................................4..........2 then solve...
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    Schoolies Apartment For Sale - Islander Resort

    Schoolies Week Apartment for Sale!!! Booked for 25 November - 2 December 2006. (NSW schoolies wk aka. week2) Islander resort located 50m from Caville Ave, where all the action happens! 2 Bedroom Apartment - QH Accomodates 4 - 7 people. Great location in the heart of Surfers...