Search results

  1. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    srs?, but thanks anyways i have to keep up with the tanks at my gym, honestly benching 3 plates (140Kg) for reps i can squat more than a lot of them, but cant keep up with chest, iunno why, it was really good at the start and yeah i am a little on the skinny side, but im at ~12% BF so...
  2. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    fkin lol at annagurl, is it just me or am i trippin? Stats, pls rate, rep if necessary: Height: 175ish Weight: 65 Time training: 6 months Bench: 3x8 25Kg DB Squat: 3x8 80Kg ATG dont do deads, really should some indication of back strength: Bent over BB rows: 3x10 50Kg Pullups: 3x8 bodyweight...
  3. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    couldnt stand that i reckon gym time is your time unless she was in a separate room doing cardio or some shiz
  4. _trickster_

    18th Dinner

    Putting out to the BoS community, this probs wont get many hits so fuck Does anyone know a decent place to have an 18th Dinner? Sydney area, relatively cheap, not chinese food, but still very classy
  5. _trickster_

    Wish List

    industrie is where its AT
  6. _trickster_

    Wish List

    NO, no one is fucking mirin your pretty jacket who the fuck wants elk skin on their fucking arms, and gortextwhatthefuck lining looks ugly as fuck, you can honestly get one better looking from BigW and not be afraid to wear it at night because you migh get mugged, or spill shit on it offense...
  7. _trickster_

    Wish List

    yes. and jamie oliver, and justin bieber
  8. _trickster_

    The Official University of Sydney Toilet Thread

    Law Annexe (The one near the Law cafe) Law? Pros: - Rather Spacious - Generally Clean - Near bubblers - Near ANZ atm Cons: - Bin is always overflowing with handtowels - Taps for sinks are fucking retarded - Few actual stalls - Quite busy during peak hours
  9. _trickster_

    Wish List

    srsly omie? r u like half asian or something? the second one MAYBE
  10. _trickster_

    Wish List

    oh cool
  11. _trickster_

    Wish List

    *sadface* also, casual question, meilz dyou go to usyd?
  12. _trickster_

    Wish List

    meliz, im fairly sure you can call certain stores and tell them to put things on hold for you
  13. _trickster_

    Cheap & Good Mens Clothing

    Does anyone know of a good solid site, besides amazon/ebay that sells mens clothes, like stuff from Yd. & Industrie stuff like that or from them, cheaply? Because spending 80 bucks on a shirt, in my own opinion, is ridiculous if someone says Threadless, i might kill someone
  14. _trickster_

    Fitness First

    fitness first might be generally more well equipped and more aesthetically pleasing, it also may have more room as its got the money to get spaces like that its also could have one of the following: sauna, solarium, pool, hairdressers i think you can attend those...
  15. _trickster_

    Organising Uni notes

    i use OneNote pretty much what everyone else is doing, cept digital
  16. _trickster_

    Fitness First

    Friend goes to fitness first (ahahahah) and he tells me its 33.50 or so per fortnight, they will rape you if you sign a contract, even if its just for a casual visit (from experience) and generally, you have to give them your bank details so they can just charge that directly, havent really...
  17. _trickster_

    2011 Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2011) so excited to start, but theres nothing to start on, they were all just introductory lectures, might have to do some research on the courses and the crowds are ridiculous
  18. _trickster_

    First day at uni

    excited/scared dont know what will happen, dont think im ready for the workload shit
  19. _trickster_

    Wish List

    like this, at roger david, $250, looks insane
  20. _trickster_


    at parties, get a little tipsy, srs loosens most people up and confidence should rise a little for normal stuff, just take it slow, make a couple of close friends and branch out, if you are having srs problems, then meds might help :)