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  1. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    it helps when you have the son of Zeus helping you as well i find pumping music helps to get you motivated, and i generally dont use a spotter go at it solo, if you cant finish the rep, focus on the concentric part of the final 2 or so reps or do burn sets i generally do a burn set for most...
  2. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    thats pretty good mate, i cant do 27.5s, i did 25s on incline this week and my chest was sore as hell lol, felt good man and thats classic uni diet, i reckon the only way to beat that is to train harder but, i reckon the cleaner your bulk is, the more you can put on without the fat, that is...
  3. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    still roughly same stats haha i think 65kgs, 175?cm, fairly heavy too :P this weekend might go buy a years worth of mass building powder, probs True-Mass at chemist warehouse where its cheap
  4. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    rep power: 69 nah, THATS pretty epic sidenote: did squats today to make up for yesterday, power racks were taken when i got there so i tried pre-exhaustion so: 100kg leg extension for 3 x 10 (maxing out machines feels good man) 50kg (no olympic bars avaliable) stiff legged deadlifts 3 x10 then...
  5. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    i did 90 last week working up towards it, did 4 reps, last one wasnt clean dont do front squats, find them weird, but respect to those who can, works hams/glutes better so it was: 60 x 10 70 x 8 80 x 6 90 x 4 and back down again been doing them for half as long as ive been lifting, so about 4...
  6. _trickster_

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    Re: Post your desktop screenshot only cos its a mac
  7. _trickster_

    What have you eaten today?

    Re: What did you eat today thread? strong 2000 cals more meals omie :D make protein bars, deadset best way get the meals in
  8. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    CHEERS GUYS brb, squatting 90 for the lolz inb4 lower back problems for life
  9. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    that you mate? how much you doing there?
  10. _trickster_

    the best way to ask a girl out and not be awkward if you get rejected.

    someone shouldve warned her earlier though, shes far too innocent to be on here, trust someone like sino to come back for someone like her
  11. _trickster_

    the best way to ask a girl out and not be awkward if you get rejected.

  12. _trickster_

    the best way to ask a girl out and not be awkward if you get rejected.

    fuck greenwood is so easy to pick up but i srsly turned down like half ~standards~
  13. _trickster_

    I need to loose weight has anyone any excercise or diet tips?

    "Here at Globogym we're better than you, and we know it"
  14. _trickster_

    How to tell what he's really after ?

    that was the cutest internet banter ive ever seen between a couple 2cents: if he looks at your breasts for longer than half a second, hes a perve, if you catch him looking for less than that, give him a go
  15. _trickster_

    I need to loose weight has anyone any excercise or diet tips?

    i legit lol'ed srsly, hahahahah simple: 1. Cut all bad foods out of your diet, you know what they are, all processed/high calorie dense foods, start eating more greens, grains, and meat, and stick to that for at LEAST a month before you start having the occasional burger again 2. Go for a...
  16. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

  17. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    ahahahahahaha annagurl r u 4 realises? also, dat ass mmhmm
  18. _trickster_

    Wish List

    got my jacket :D for birthday, looks sick really shit quality though ive just found out, 2 of the buttons fell off in the first hour of wearing :|
  19. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    use DBs in each hand/lunges