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  1. _trickster_

    So what's new with you and your significant other/crush/desired person/ etc?

    holy crap theyre neighbours, please be a troll also, shes doing ok, she just swore she wouldnt drink again, so.......
  2. _trickster_

    who is the most jacked on these forams??

    fuckin metric system mate
  3. _trickster_

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    fuck you cunt come the fuck at me
  4. _trickster_

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    nice one omie :D props did you start off with the 100s? or did you pyramid up to it?? i think im just gonna do some box squats on leg day, upper quads are lacking, dont really need to squat 100kgs right now but will do deadlifts cos i realised im pretty lacking in that area
  5. _trickster_

    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    Ive hit Chest Plateau :( bench stays at 25Db press and 60Kg BB Cannot shift this motherfucker
  6. _trickster_

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    Dear ____, God youre beautiful, i dont know whether we'll ever be together, God knows ive tried. You are the prettiest, smartest, most beautiful inside and out person i have and ever probably will meet. I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream...
  7. _trickster_

    them Sydney Trains moments

    Re: cityrail moments has anyone here actually tried to approach a hot girl on the train?? srsly, cos i see SO MANY
  8. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    yeah dude, 1043kgs just about its about a small car that hes doing there..... Plitts about 33-35 now i think if hes been doing physical training since he was in college, that is, about 17 or so years, surely with his freakish genetics and consistency and self-motivation he would be able to do...
  9. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    fuck you are depressing cunt this is a good post. Though mate, dyou reckon Plitt was ever on juice?? I dont think ive ever seen him COMPLETELY admit to being all natural, he endorses being natural, but never has actually said, "i am 100% all american/freakish genetics" also anna, as a...
  10. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    /restraint You Are Deadset the Biggest Douchebag ignorant stuck-up people such as yourself should be culled its what happens when a person realises theyre wrong and doesnt have any comeback whatsoever and resorts to being a complete idiot who "ignorantly" says shit like ya mum or CSB (Y) its...
  11. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    wow..... just quickly then - strong language? i called you out on your argument and said "get your shit sorted" as a result of that, which means to check your knowledge before you post. Was there any unsubstantiated comment against you? No. It was "strong" because it was against you - My quotes...
  12. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    DO YOU EVEN LIFT is a common phrase used on, that implies that the person isnt knowledgeable about lifting and as for raising my self-esteem, thats also a quick judgement about a person, im not gonna call you a hyprocrite, but thats the definition of one another quick judgement was...
  13. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    mmyep, sounds like PHATs the way to go....... all the key characteristics of an advanced weightlifter are there, consistency, strong recovery from DOMS, strong motivation OH WAIT
  14. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    so if my stats are poor with ~6 months experience, why the fuck would you recommend PHAT to a guy with NO experience whos also posted stats which are worse than mine i know that you would recommend a Power Hypertrophy routine to a beginner weightlifter which indicates some lack of knowledge...
  15. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    well tell him to get his shit sorted
  16. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    for a complete novice? please son, he would probably explode for one, you need to workout 5 times a week, which with a routine like that (6 sets hypertrophy work + power days) for a beginner would HIGHLY LEAD TO OVERTRAINING also, its a fairly advanced workout, that is, incorporating...
  17. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    Riptoads Starting Strength 300 is a bit excessive, but if you can thats great to do that, have 5 meals a day minimum, with at least 2 protein sources in each, should get you ~300 very hard with uni/work/life
  18. _trickster_

    Osama Bin Laden dead

    heard of context? phaggot.
  19. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    fuckin loled Son I Am Disappoint with that routine/stats mate i mean, 10kg for bicep but 8kg for chest?? weight to physical muscle size ratio is all off also, legs are jelly after womanly bodypump class after 3 days off, cannot do 25s on incline anymore ~forever alone~
  20. _trickster_

    wats ur gym routine

    heavy was making a joke that being heavy/weighing something are the same dont get your panties in a twist guys and yes i realise its light, hence the ~years worth of mass protein~ post your stats faggots, and stop the hating