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  1. _trickster_

    No pecs no sechs

    i heard sucking dick is a workout, PLUS, you get your post workout shake IMMEDIATELY after youre done
  2. _trickster_

    So what's new with you and your significant other/crush/desired person/ etc?

    i swear mines dead hasnt contacted me in a while... awkward turtle
  3. _trickster_

    ITT: Boys only! something like this, maybe lighter, sleeves rolled up to elbows with something like this, but ive got waxier ones from industrie, roughly same...
  4. _trickster_

    how to modify a car

    its hard to you even make that relationship within the same thread as this video but yeah, its one of those videos in which if you were an Indian, and you are somewhat intelligent and know a thing or two about cars, youd be embarrased
  5. _trickster_

    No pecs no sechs

    cock pushups srs.
  6. _trickster_

    No pecs no sechs

  7. _trickster_

    No pecs no sechs

    fou yirst jo
  8. _trickster_

    No pecs no sechs

    im so glad we've finally come full cycle pecs - biceps - abs - biceps - back - chest
  9. _trickster_

    how to modify a car

    "These are Special Rotational Tyres" um.
  10. _trickster_

    No pecs no sechs

    I have heard this to be true Discuss
  11. _trickster_

    Things that makes you feel good

  12. _trickster_

    who is the most jacked on these forams??

    those werent even proper reps lettuce be serious
  13. _trickster_

    Ideas for 18th party

    you should try making a cake one day and realise that generally, fish fingers are not on the ingredient list
  14. _trickster_

    Peg it!

    o rly??? damn, it was at UNSW wasnt it, imma usyd kid :)
  15. _trickster_

    Things that annoy you.

    first world problems like runny eggs fuck
  16. _trickster_

    Peg it!

    remember that one time, where we hit 300,000 posts and there wasnt a cake? i was disappoint
  17. _trickster_

    Peg it!

    in for rep and cake edit: but srsly, who uses a dryer??
  18. _trickster_

    who is the most jacked on these forams??

    brb doing photoshop instead of lifting 2morrow night but srsly, heavy ass deadlifts n squarts 2nite probs box squats tho, start off at 80
  19. _trickster_

    who is the most jacked on these forams??

    fuck you cunt i aint trickin
  20. _trickster_

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    everyone stop repping me for my outburst makes me feel like such a faggot (semi-srs)