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  1. clementinez

    B.Economics vs Economics majors in B.Commerce

    The general consensus seems to be UNSW > USYD for engineering although I've noticed the Civil programs to be very similar aside from UNSW pushing more compulsory water units. CS is probably where the biggest difference is.
  2. clementinez

    B.Economics vs Economics majors in B.Commerce

    Thanks for the input. Do you happen to know whether a double major is allowed in combined Commerce (specifically combined with engineering but also generally speaking)? I'd be interested in double majoring in the majors you're doing.
  3. clementinez

    Are there no jobs for lawyers

    This seems to be an recurring pattern but it's not because law is a miserable field but rather that students going into law don't understand what studying and practicing law is about. You don't need a law degree to work in government or policy, you need a law degree strictly to practice as a...
  4. clementinez

    B.Economics vs Economics majors in B.Commerce

    would also like to know this, especially compared to Finance..
  5. clementinez

    B.Economics vs Economics majors in B.Commerce

    Oh, ok.. good. So it keeps your options open for Honours. Don't want to get into something too specific early on. Did you have a particular reason for choosing UNSW over USYD for economics?
  6. clementinez

    B.Economics vs Economics majors in B.Commerce

    I'm trying to decide what to combine Engineering with and while there are a few options in Science that I'm interested in, I was wondering about the actual difference between a plain Economics major and Business Economics/Business Strategy and Economic Management major in Commerce. B.Economics...
  7. clementinez

    Finance/commerce (accounting) or Law/commerce (accounting), which has more 'scope'?

    Re: Finance/commerce (accounting) or Law/commerce (accounting), which has more 'scope There aren't many employment opportunities in law? I don't think this is necessarily true, especially if you do well in the degree. Law can lead to work in law firms, in-house, public policy, NGO's...
  8. clementinez

    How hard would you say a degree in Law is at macquarie?

    I wouldn't agree with this statement simply because law is a very specific subject that requires a specific set of analytical skills. It's not reading and reproducing read material. You actually have to understand it and apply it. If what you're trying to say is that you don't have to be a...
  9. clementinez

    Engineering/Law combined degree

    Thanks so much for this you've given me quite a bit to think about. I will have a look through that thread!
  10. clementinez

    Engineering/Law combined degree

    Thanks for the response! When you say their mentality is different, do you mean they are more the engineering type than the typical law/arts/commerce type or are you simply referring to their ability to implement verbal, written, and numerical skills equally? I've been looking through...
  11. clementinez

    Engineering/Law combined degree

    Just wondering if anyone is doing this and how they are coping with the workload. Would it be similar to Engineering/Science in terms of content volume or more difficult?
  12. clementinez

    Which Commerce major?

    True.. He seems to be leaning towards Commerce or Economics at USYD over anything at UTS. With so much talk about UTS's new trimester system I can't say I blame him for wanting to avoid it.
  13. clementinez

    Which Commerce major?

    The thing is if he doesn't get into Commerce/IT at USYD then he has to choose between B.Econ at USYD and B.Business/IT at UTS which are very different because the Econ degree restricts you by forcing an Economics major so if he wants a second major he has to make up his mind from year one...
  14. clementinez

    Which Commerce major?

    Thanks for the insight. What are your thoughts regarding Econ vs Finance (if he gets into the Commerce/IT degree at USYD)?
  15. clementinez

    Which Commerce major?

    Got it. The person above suggested management. In the event that he decides to go the B.Econ route (which forces an econ major on you), would it be better to take a second major in Information Systems from the science faculty or Management from the business school? Not really sure how relevant...
  16. clementinez

    Which Commerce major?

    haha, he's not interested in UNSW because of its location but thanks :)
  17. clementinez

    Which Commerce major?

    oh ok, thanks for the heads up. Do you think taking some information systems electives from the science faculty in addition to the BIS major would make up for that?
  18. clementinez

    Which Commerce major?

    He's got his eye on something along the lines of IT within the business sector/business intelligence, not so much software development. He eventually wants to work his way up to a project management position.
  19. clementinez

    Which Commerce major?

    So, I'm posting this on behalf of my brother who's having an incredibly tough time deciding on which degree to study but also which commerce major to take. The options are: Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of IT at UTS Bachelor of Economics at USYD and possibly Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor...
  20. clementinez

    uts transfer to usyd law?

    USYD has a better reputation both locally and internationally. That seems to be the main reason people want to go there. As far as the structure goes it's almost identical but I'm pretty sure USYD places more weight on exams (which are mostly closed book in the first 3 years of the combined...