Search results

  1. clementinez

    Is law a reasonable pathway to medicine?

    If you think there's a chance you might stick with law in case you decide against medicine then go for it. Commerce is a much easier option (GPA wise) and the skills you get seem somewhat more transferable to a wider range of workplaces. Look through the uni handbooks (unit/course descriptions)...
  2. clementinez

    Is law a reasonable pathway to medicine?

    everyone does this.. I don't think you can transfer to medicine at all. They used to have a pathway at UNSW where they allowed 15 MedSc students to sit the UMAT and then "transfer" after 2nd year but to base your med entry on that is highly improbable. Law is a really demanding course and it's...
  3. clementinez

    Software Programmer - CS Degree or Engineering Hons Software?

    Asked this question myself haha It doesn't matter and you'll notice that SENG is almost identical to the CS at UNSW. Pick whichever you like. Keep in mind that software at usyd is a bit more like software with computer engineering so if you wanted to work in IT I'd go with the CS program there...
  4. clementinez

    Petroleum Engineering

    As far as I know there aren't many jobs for petroleum in Australia. I spoke to one of my friends yesterday who works in engineering recruiting and he told me the following about Australia and NZ: 1. EE is mostly High Voltage and installation work (very little electronics) 2. Biomedical has...
  5. clementinez

    Could I get into Law

    Drop down to general if you're doing poorly in 2u. It's definitely possible to get that ATAR. My subjects (ones used for ATAR calculation) were English (Adv), Legal Studies, Geography, Ancient History, and PD/H/PE and I received an ATAR above 98 and my school was not ranked really high. It's a...
  6. clementinez

    What to do if one failed to enter medicine through undergraduate and graduate pathway

    Re: What to do if one failed to enter medicine through undergraduate and graduate pat This ^^ but for some of these a MedScience degree will not suffice for admission. I know at USyd you can do graduate entry Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology regardless of what degree you have...
  7. clementinez


    It doesn't matter what your second degree is when it comes to being a lawyer because you learn everything you need to know within the law degree itself. I don't know if individual employers would prefer a second degree in science but they are hiring you to be a lawyer not a lab technician. I...
  8. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    basically what Flop21 said because UNSW SE and CS is very similar. The difference is CS has more electives and SE has workshops and this might be where the more "practical" learning takes place. Since I plan on doing a combined degree I'd end up losing a lot of CS electives so there's not much...
  9. clementinez

    Mechatronics and General maths

    It's not even a question of how easy or difficult general maths is. It doesn't cover the content you need for engineering so you have to learn it in your own time because you'll need at least 2u knowledge to even begin to understand what's going on. There are students in general that would be...
  10. clementinez

    Mechatronics and General maths

    two words for you OP: Khan Academy :skip:
  11. clementinez

    Mechatronics and General maths

    Completely agree with this. General Maths is of no help for engineering so to the OP - you will struggle immensely with only general. General maths is not "real" maths so to say. I started off in general in year 11 because I wanted to do maths but was afraid of failing and two weeks later I...
  12. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    Thanks anomalousdecay, this is incredibly helpful and just the information I was looking for!
  13. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    I don't think someone looking for a purely theoretical discipline would choose engineering in the first place.. or I may be wrong. After all the point of engineering is the practical application of maths/physics. Engineering requires a dose of creativity.
  14. clementinez

    Why Tesla was the greatest geek that ever lived! A must read.

    Tesla and Edison are not comparable. Without Tesla we'd probably still be using candles. Edison could barely power a single light bulb. I'm not saying he had no achievements but to even place him within the same level of genius as Tesla is ridiculous. Tesla was quite possibly the greatest...
  15. clementinez

    Why Tesla was the greatest geek that ever lived! A must read.

    not sure if joking or trolling
  16. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    Amateur radio I somewhat get but camping and girl guides? Really? I hate camping lol Having further considered this I understand what you're getting at but I don't believe misguided practical skills increase your ability to handle a specific discipline. Similarly to the concept of specificity...
  17. clementinez

    USYD vs UNSW biomedical engineering

    Necropost but I'm stuck home and there's a heatwave outside so I'm just gonna answer this because I've researched it quite a bit and there doesn't seem to be much about biomedical engineering on forums so someone might actually find this useful/helpful. The difference is not simply the length...
  18. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    I know I'll be behind everyone in the straight engineering degree and that's ok as long as I'm not disadvantaged while taking a particular course. Sometimes it's recommended certain classes be taken at the same time (when I was looking into Science degrees they did this at USYD) though to be...
  19. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    I am aware of this but thanks for the heads up. I'm just looking for the uni that will give me the 'best' foundation.
  20. clementinez

    Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering/Computer Science

    I didn't mean after 1 semester, not sure which year Flop21 is in though