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    Predictions and Results (Semester 1 2009)

    hate OO . if you work at a non-software company developing software they hate oo too
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    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    nah im sitll doing the ibm internship. since its full time i want to do like one maths or physics subject . but i cant do it in B ENG B SC. so thats why i want to transfer.
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    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    Far out I sent my year adviser an email saying i want to transfer to b sc (part-time) for next semester so i can do 1-2 courses and he doesnt reply. hate him.
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    Who is to blame for the coup in Honduras?

    ok m8 wat about the lebanese electionz? CIA?
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    Wimbledon 2009 !!!

    lol @ roddick trying to imitate Nadal with the loopy forehands. THE Only human who can defeat federer in this DIMENSION is Nadal . Only because he can SMASH fed's backhand. They are Yin and Yang. NOW that Nadal is on the way out due to his No-holds-barred playing style, we can now enjoy the...
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    Who is to blame for the coup in Honduras?

    CONFIRMED: Obama has ordered the CIA to instigate uprisings in Iran, Honduras and China
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    Who is to blame for the coup in Honduras?

    Evergreen International Airlines
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    who loathes obama

    yueah he's cool, the middle east is basically imploding and he didnt lift a finger
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    Utegate - sympathy for Turnbull

    why would an indian punch gandhi (unless they were muslim)
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    Should conscription be re-introduced in 21st Century Australia?

    we should stand with the united states, NO MATTER THE COST
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    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    That's pretty crazy this is what i had ------------------- 4 Weet-bix post workout mass gainer shake. this almonds tuna + tub of yoghurt same as above except with rice instead of that bread thing w/ lentils...
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    shoulder press? GYM machines which stunt height growth?

    Bodybuilders like to say that gym in no way stunts height growth, but then you go to a music festival and there is a legion of 5"6' ripped dudes who would've started at 15-16 :-P
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    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    I went to a bodybuilding nutritionist. She said my bodyfat was a bit high and told me to bail on my mass gainer, so I bought whey protein. I've actually stayed away from reading anything or (except to find routines off the net) since I started two months ago. I figure it's just going to...
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    Weightlifting for size and strength: The Basics

    is that 2g of protein per bodyweight per day?
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    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    So is it even possible just to do 1 or 2 subjects per semester? I get some stupid error about not having enough CP for a year
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    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    Haha really? Did you get failed cause you didnt attend the labs, or because you didnt kno 'bout stuff cuz u didnt attend them
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    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2009)

    goony/WAF what are some good 3rd year maths/phys/EE subjects? im thinking of taking one or two and not going to the labs,
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    Which gym are you at and how much do you pay?

    I do em, and i feel it in my hammies but it just doesnt burn like other exercises. then again i only just started at the gym 2 months ago.
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    Which gym are you at and how much do you pay?

    oh yeah, I go every day im 80kg now started 74 training weith a friend Still suck at deadlifts though 6"1' trying to bulk
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    Which gym are you at and how much do you pay?

    #66 A motnh at Fitness first is that good