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    Best Weights Program!

    People who do rippetoes looked fucked up and hulky, not at all like a greek statue. Shite
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    Tiesto Tiesto news Tiesto

    Bored of Studies - Search Results oh wow. so what if one guy makes threads about an artist he likes why dont you make threads about bloc party or whatever band you like, to even it out. if you have a problem with a forum being used... as a forum, then i suggest you fucking leave
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    Picking up girls in lectures

    y wud the girl do nething? srsly, just make eye contact when shes alone, if she smiles or something then go up and say hi. this is what i would do if i wasnt a w1mp
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2009)

    ENemies list Yash Srivastava
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    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    scan, save as pdf
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    thread dedicated to Saudi arabia: ITT we post f*cked up shit about KSA.

    The government is not the people, the authorities are not the people. Authoritarian rule is self-defeating because sooner or later there will be an awakening, and its own people will finally put an end to these tyrannical regimes and their pathetic acolytes forever. Tick, tock
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    Do you view the US as a foundationally "Christian" nation?

    i think that was just to appease the barbary pirates context mate one nation under god.
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    Will the Iranian Government fall and what will this mean?

    dunno - maybe because 7 out of the 10 'most democratic' countries as measured by the economist also turn up in the top 10 countries when measuring 'human development index'?\ so it may not prove it, but i'd like to see your evidence. I thought it was common sense.
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    Will the Iranian Government fall and what will this mean?

    I thought about that, but i have read about there being protests all over the country, especially in the days following 12 june election
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    Ashes Series 2009

    I reckon Australia should threaten to leave the country because of these umpiring decisions
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    Will the Iranian Government fall and what will this mean?

    m8's 50% of the iranian population is under 25. the equation is clear enough, the regime will fall sooner or later. the question is - will it be a repeat of the 1979 revolution, where the new boss was same as the old one? I say yes. God has forever doomed the Persians to be ruled by despots! +...
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    Peter Grarret - morally compromised?

    stuff this we need NUCLEAR POWER omg atoms u235
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    Indian male

    "Make us proud son." "Never forget who you are"
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    Indian male

    chris i suggest a makeover to look NOT indian, or at least less 'typical' indian - straighten ur hair - dye hair blonde - grow hair long - remove all body hair It'll work
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    Indian male

    if u dont like being indian u shud try to hide it . bleach ur hair blonde like this guy
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    Cheap protein powder

    this offer is on again quik is it any good
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    Ashes Series 2009

    What are surprise, another english capitulation seriously, if these ashes aren't good, it will be the death of test cricket. forever.