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    Iran to have nuclear weapon by next year

    In the Name Of God i really hate iran's regime
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    Rudd plans to lower voting age to 16

    mate, just post some fucking pics aite?
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    Your av is fucked, looks like Riet playing guitar in the nude

    Your av is fucked, looks like Riet playing guitar in the nude
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    Big Day Out 2010

    i hope muse die of skin cancer like the ppl who watch them at bdo
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    Should individuals/groups have the right to secede from the state?

    In response, I cite Article 067, from the future United Nations Charter of the Rights of Man, Earth, 2096 AD, the right to go time travel into the past 87 years and lock this thread.
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    Rudd plans to lower voting age to 16

    Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. That country was AUSTRALIA
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    3 months progress, how am I going?

    4-5 days a week u know, the usual, back bis and tris chest legs shoulders changin up exercises, compound exercises first fucing legs are seriously lagging though haha gotta work on that everyone on the net though seems to do the 5 x 5 rippetoe/etc stuff, with squats, bench &...
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    3 months progress, how am I going?

    is milk ur staple BB food?
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    3 months progress, how am I going?

    Good work mate, better results than me and I have been at it for 6 months. except, i have gained bout 10 kg(not all muscle)
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    Official dust storm thread

    Re: Holy mother of dust storms AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The return of Muad'Dib!!
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    facebook/myspace status

    lol wtf
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    Labour forces the break-up of Telstra

    This reminds me of the Bell divestiture. I think the end outcome will be better, no matter the apparent abuse of parliament.Means to an end
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    worst australian song ever produced

    Australian Crawl - Boys Light Up Must play on WS-FM atleast twice a day
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    Loneliness of the university Liberal

    i want to join young liberal
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2009)

    He probably means exponentials since u wudnt get piecewise functions in da natural world
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    Inglorioius Basterds

    The director is a man who seems utterly committed into forcing his dastardly expositions of every single human vice into the popular culture. He is a sick man, but this is all too common among Hollywood directors, for there is no other way to break the audience out of their perpetual...
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    Best Weights Program!

    Its not consistent, but 8-30 wake up 8-45 nutrigrain with full cream milk 9am START WORK 10-30 chicken slices and some skim milk 12-00 lunch, usually chicken breast with rice and lentils or pasta 2-30 egg dish 3-30 peanut butter sandwich / chicken slice sandwich + tuna...
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    Best Weights Program!

    500g for $3.50, i know your not getting it at woolies
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    Best Weights Program!

    Ill admit I was kind of trolling with my remark about the Rippetoe (and similar) routines. But I just dont feel right doing it for some reason 1) I joined the gym, Rippetoe seems to be designed for those doing weights at home. 2) $$$ - rippetoe and similar seems to require an insane, over the...