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    Indian male

    Re: 回覆: Indian male Hello, I'm 100% Indian male SOldiarty towards you.
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    Australian Politics

    lol. that wouldnt be out of place on politico
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    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    Back to uni next year..........
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    What Cars does everyone drive??

    nah it wasnt fucked. it just needed servicing. shows how much i know. the only problem now is there the head deck doesnt work
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    Your top 3.

    To Kill A Mockingbird.
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    What are your favourite guitar solo's?

    fuck all that nasty shit off comfortably numb - pink floyd. The greatest
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    What Cars does everyone drive??

    fucking lol, ill give you that one
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    What Cars does everyone drive??

    1998 Mercedes-Benz C200 I will drive it to the end of time
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    Walking vs Running, shedding bodyfat

    ive been gyming for about 6 months and have gained a fair bit of muscle. At the same time ive gained fat. It's not as if ive had abs before but ive started to get a bit of a belly. and a fatter neck. (6"1' / 85kg) So im trying to get rid of this fat, but i kno its scientifically not possible to...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2009)

    only a few more months then back to uni AH
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    Saving the wold with uranium exports?

    Forget the non prolif treaty Export it to whoever wants it IT will make our military rich, and surely capable of defeating the subsequent nuclear threat from the country we exported the Uranium to
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    The public behaviour of youths of 'middle-eastern appearance'

    What is ignorant: being completely oblivious to the large scale sociopathy of Australian Arab youth
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    Fuck this movie, I did it for Visual Arts Just watch Twin Peaks instead. Break the code. Solve the crime.
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    What have you eaten today?

    Milk + milo Nutri-grain ROti with chicken curry. Egg with mi goreng Some Toffee Rice with egg curry Banana + peanut butter + 2 egg shake Oats and tuna fuck i had too much egg today, 5 eggs
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    What value life?

    Value is proportional to the effort that an individual makes in improving their life and surroundings
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    Lookbook invite pls! LOL

    Pretty sure that's risole91.
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    Sydney Festival 2010

    There's going to be a lot of Indians