Search results

  1. L

    For those who work during this holiday

    at the moment i've been doing 10 hour shifts every day and i am pretty buggered...2moro is my day off after 6 days of day off and then back to the same routine until x-mas eve....the thing that helps me cope is the amount of money i am making..but it all isnt too bad thou, cos i enjoy...
  2. L

    Camera's and Editing Software

    the images came up quite clear...the camera was about $1300 when i bought it..but i think you can buy the updated model for bout $900, I'm sure you can get away with buying one of the low versions of the canon 700 series and it still being good quality (these camera's cost mid to high $700's --...
  3. L

    Camera's and Editing Software

    i did ee2 this year...i used pinnacle v.9 for editing, which was alright, had a few problems with adding audio, but nothing too major that would turn me away from it altogether. For my camera i used a canon 650i..which worked out fine for me my advice would be to buy a tripod! The tripod for...
  4. L

    Coles Myer Group Interviews

    yeah they're still hiring - got a fone call today for a meeting thingy for myer at chatswood w/ the store manager or something like that....too bad i already got a job at virgin!!! (virgin rang me in the morning to tell me i got the job - then myer rang in the arvo!!)
  5. L

    wanting a change...

    hmm maybe apply for coles myer?? althou that does take awhile.. working at fast food places out back arent hot at all, its more if ur working on register with fries....out the back is definitely better - from my opinion anyways!! otherwise id say to walk around shops in ur area u would like...
  6. L

    help me! um please?

    search for it in google instead of yahoo? jks jks
  7. L

    i need a job and i need one now

    - scratchies - parents wallet - selling old stuff thats all i can think of...
  8. L

    Coles Myer Group Interviews

    well i didnt do a dj's one, but i did a coles myer one a few days ago..basically, u just have to participate as much as u urself off, without sounding pretentious...plan wat to say when they ask why u want to work there etc..its not hard.. They'll probably have case studies to...
  9. L

    What order, eh?

    i did it the other way..i hate creative, did that in about 45 mins, then went straight onto the essay and wrote yes essay will be better for me..
  10. L

    how to be un-nervous?

    take a non caring approach. this involves: - researching various areas of getting into the uni course ur interested in - researching tafe courses then to not panic: - have a nice long bath the night before - go to sleep early - tell urself that u know everything (even if u dont) - take...
  11. L

    English Prescribed Texts

    no they recommend 2 would be impossible to evaluate and analyse 4 poems in detail in a 40 minute essay, its hard enough with 2 poems + stimulus booklet + related materials...our school told us to do 2.. goodluck!!
  12. L

    Need some AOS Guidance (as in; how/what to study for extended response)

    ur school would usually have a copy of it..i think the board of studies sells them.
  13. L

    communication - media and theatre

    thanx bex..its was good to hear a response!!
  14. L

    Need some AOS Guidance (as in; how/what to study for extended response)

    well when i did my notes for aos (i got full marks in the trial) i drew a table/grid on an A3 sheet..its stuck up in my room!! (someone has already mentioned this idea)Anyways, have several columns, one saying the type of journey/s, a short summary (like 1-2 sentences), main themes/values...
  15. L

    communication - media and theatre

    nup nothing...i might have to resort to calling the uni lol...
  16. L

    Solubility rules --> data sheet

    haha my bad..yeah it is a textbook, i know that. It goes to heaps of detail, the only reason i referred to it as a study guide is because it's not our set school textbook...sorry!!
  17. L


    yeah close is pretty foul...i worked at st ives maccas, it was pretty much okay most of the time, like there were nice people and all, but i just got sick of cleaning shit all the time! To prevent me from wanting to quit every five minutes, i just thought how much money i would earn...which...
  18. L


    maccas casual rates are higher than permanent rates (they add on casual loading)...althou u dont have that job security and all that....BUT if u have the same shift for more than 3 months u are entitled to apply for a permanent part time position.. if ur 17 or over thou, i dont think ur getting...
  19. L


    yeah reckon..i have 2 A3 folders full..moving onto my 3rd and it seems like i've put in a heap of effort..if only they knew...
  20. L

    Solubility rules --> data sheet

    yeah u should still get it...its a pretty good textbook.