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    Solubility rules --> data sheet

    its a study guide...our school uses Chemistry Contexts, but we supplement it with the macquarie revision guides and conquering chem..
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    Why Isnt Anyone doing Forensic?

    a few girls in our class wanted to do this...but got voted out on the basis of no text books made on this topic...well not many compared to shipwrecks..
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    My Movie!

    hmm well i had a similiar sort of problem..i lost 3 minutes of editing stuff :( i wasn't very impressed, it will only take me like an entire DAY to fix it up now, this happened about hmm a week or so ago.. death2hsc -- did u not save continually whilst editing?? are u only re-editing or do...
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    major work diary

    with my journal at the moment i've used it heaps....cos i keep everything in there, all my ideas and the whole process...bright and colourful too..
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    communication - media and theatre

    hey..i'm interested in doing this course, but i'm wondering whether performance is a big aspect in the course...i read a few posts back that the people had to audition or something. I have had a lot of work experience with media organisations and am interested more in the media side of the...
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    Paulini - Aus Idol *NEW* Album/Single

    hahah i met the art director of paulini and kayne's music clips...paulini's was filmed at the Enmore according to him and anybody could have come to be part of the audience...this was at the dissociatives concert, so it was quite random meeting someone like that!
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    that's really creepy!! i guess that's prolly ppl who are paranoid about their kids -- you'd think that u'd get a babysitter u could actually trust w/o having to do that.
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    Anna's story

    i liked the book..i thought it was really informative, in a non preaching way. we actually had the mother (i have forgotten her name!) come in and speak to us about the book..
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    Difficulty of English Ext 2?

    hahah yeah nice one.. If u dont do a print medium, then u have to have very good time management, but i guess u need that for print medium too....i dont actually thinks its too hard, just a lot of time.. haha i'm just repeating what everyone else had basically said..
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    bibliography at end of report?

    yeah our teachers are constantly reminding us to give comments on all the sources we've come across, which works out to be a hell lot for me..
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    that sounds like a mad idea!!have u got some comedy in it? mine's basically focusing on a person suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder....its so screwed!! i cant see myself actually finishing it, there's just soo much editing and all that involved :S
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    Bachelor of Arts/Television Production

    12 hours a week!!!woohoo!! i heard that the radio course at CSU was ending soon or something, maybe that wasnt true, as i can see they'd be a big demand for it!
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    b communication-journalism

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    to stay or not 2 stay

    i would have dropped down to 11, cos 13 units are a hell lot of units!
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    yeah i worked there and it was pretty terrible...i got 'promoted' and still only got like $9.50 or something like that (for a 17 y.o) and i still had to clean floors and scrub fry stations and all that..
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    Starting up Drama Classes

    yeah u might need an ABN if ur going to earn over the certain tax bracket..i think its $6000 at the moment.. i recommend going that way, cos then the gov't can cover u with certain stuff -- i'd check it all out, there's heaps of small business services available.
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    yeah i reckon!! if u get more than $10 an hour for sitting on ur bum watching telly u are very lucky....however if its a hell lot of kids maybe... when mum and dad were getting babysitters for us, they had this rule for the babysitters where they get time and a half after midnight...
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    [Official Critique Thread]

    asha_ramirez = i really like ur stream of consciousness style..i think it works really well, but dont know how easy it will be to sustain that through ur entire piece, however i havent read it so i wouldnt really know!! "Darkness surrounds me, another blackout" = i think darkness surrounds me...
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    external mark predictions

    umm... I think it would be really really hard for me to even predict anything and i dont think i wont to either!! i'm finding it hard to picture finishing my major work lol..
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    i havent see the new videos from the showcase yet cos they havent come into our school yet [our school usually orders a few copies for us 4 unit ppl to look at] however i thought the year before wasnt too bad, bizzare i guess.. but the main reason the videos last year were better is cos so...