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  1. H

    Am I gonna fail this unit [MATH1111]

    I don't have friends in that tute because I'm kinda shy and awkward, plus everyone seems to already have formed friendships there so I feel kinda weird if I try to make friends in the last few weeks haha. But I think I will try, if I can get the courage to approach someone, because I considered...
  2. H

    Am I gonna fail this unit [MATH1111]

    I didn't know how to do it. :/ I guessed half of the questions, but they were educated guesses. It was multiple choice, so I kinda tried to see what I already knew, which answers were obviously wrong etc. Also I'm at usyd, your link is for students at UNSW >.< thanks though
  3. H

    Am I gonna fail this unit [MATH1111]

    Seriously I don't know what to do, this stupid required math crap is killing me. I'm doing intro to calc which is the lowest math thing available. I got a C on my assignment, and that was with the help of my private math tutor.Without him I know I would have failed. In my mid sem test, I got 7 /...
  4. H

    Bands 6s?

    I got 91 atar with 3 band 6s but subjects were not that great (business, agriculture, cafs). The rest were band 5 (adv english, bio, society). Maybe that can help give you an idea.
  5. H

    How to handle uni group assignments????

    lol i know the feel, we have a group chat and I messaged them about it, they saw it but never replied :/
  6. H

    How long does it take you to travel to uni?

    around 1 hour 20min (bus then train). Going home usually takes longer when I have to wait for the bus. and I go 5 days a week 3 days of which I get up at around 6am and get home by 6:30pm :/ im also in western sydney
  7. H

    Aquarium hobbyists?

    Here's mah bae (sorry for the poor photo quality!) He is a short-finned (plakat) siamese fighting fish. He doesn't have a name yet, even though its been months. I'll post photos of his whole tank later on, since I just ordered a few new plants so I wanna put them in first. :P
  8. H

    Aquarium hobbyists?

    I agree, pics! :) I love fighting fish (mine is a fighting fish, aka betta fish).
  9. H

    Aquarium hobbyists?

    I used to have 4 when I was younger (like 13 years old). They lasted less than a year, I knew nothing of how to care for them :/
  10. H

    Aquarium hobbyists?

    Common goldfish can get very big, I believe up to 45cm, but many people aren't aware of this and keep them in smaller tanks so their growth gets stunted. They also produce a LOT of ammonia so you need a powerful filter and large tank. Don't worry, when I was younger I had 4 goldfish in a 20...
  11. H

    Aquarium hobbyists?

    Anyone keep fish? What type? Tank sizes? For how long? etc. Tell me everything. :) I recently got into the hobby, kind of.. I only have one plakat betta fish in a planted 22 litre tank which I've had for only a few months. I've been planning for a ~100 litre community tank but my parents won't...
  12. H

    Failed half yearlies

    I think he means there is a lot of space to improve English, but he is finding it very difficult to improve.
  13. H

    Easy subjects

    Society and culture has a small workload, you can easily cram it (eg. I studied in the morning of the exam for like 30min for half yearly and got 100% lol). But you have to do the PIP which is annoying. If you're good at writing reports and essays, this is a good subject for you.
  14. H

    junior, intermediate, senior units in different years

    Is it possible to do a "junior" or "first year" unit in second year? Can you swap them around (assuming there are no prerequisites)?
  15. H

    D or HD?

    sure, I'll message you
  16. H

    D or HD?

    That's exactly what I didn't understand, how can it be HD if theyre all in the D range. But I am very sure it's all added up correctly. The final mark (as written by the marker) is 22 / 25 = 88%. All of the marks in the D range were about half off HD.
  17. H

    D or HD?

    Ok I know this is probably a silly question. But I'm not familiar with the marking at uni. In the marking guide/criteria for my assignment, where they mark different aspects (content, layout etc) for each part the mark is in the distinction range. If I add all these marks up, they make 88%...
  18. H

    To the high achievers

    I crammed a lot, but whatever works for you, really. some people had a very strong work ethic, but got low marks. I was very lazy, but I always finished the work in class and although I did most things last minute, I always made sure to do them properly and to a high quality, and covered...