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  1. H

    Why are some math units 3 CP each

    oh ok, thanks :)
  2. H

    Why are some math units 3 CP each

    Why are some usyd math units only worth 3CP? Do they have less work/content?
  3. H

    what does this mean?

    Depends on the subject, I used it in CAFS and I think society as well
  4. H

    cholinergic agonists?

    For my case study I need to answer: "3. Why are anticholinergic agents avoided and cholinergic agonists recommended in the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux?" I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what anticholinergic agents, cholinergic agonists and also the seemingly related...
  5. H

    what does this mean?

    This website might help: in the in-text citation you only include the author last name and year of publication. In the end you put a reference list with all the other details. Also if you take a direct quote, you include the page number in the in-text...
  6. H

    what does this mean?

    if they said to include a bibliography/referencing then if it's not there, OP will probably lose marks. It's good practice anyway, since you have to do it properly in uni
  7. H

    Do your parents pay your fees?

    Yeah I got that too.
  8. H

    Do your parents pay your fees?

    for the textbooks? No I get youth allowance and pay for it with that. My parents otherwise wouldn't be able to afford uni supplies
  9. H

    Do your parents pay your fees?

    No, none of my uni-related stuff is paid by my parents (thank you centrelink for paying for my textbooks haha)
  10. H

    what happens if you drop a unit

    I'm tempted to drop psych1001, it's boring and I just regret picking it. No interest in it at all. But mainly I just want to try and make more time for study, most days I get up for uni at 6am and come home at 7pm, I spend basically all my time studying without any time for myself. Which I guess...
  11. H

    what happens if you drop a unit

    nope, domestic
  12. H

    what happens if you drop a unit

    If you are required (I think) to do 4 units that semester, would you be allowed to drop one? How would it work? (assuming you can't change to another unit by that time).
  13. H

    question about quizes

  14. H

    question about quizes

    Yeah but I want to get 100% so I don't want it to stay the same thus it would be a waste.
  15. H

    Skipping lectures?

    It's not that I'm lazy, actually the opposite; it's that I'd be saving a lot of time since I can access them online anyway and use that 3 hours from travel instead to study other things. So it's just that it's more productive. I doubt I'll skip any though because I know I'll feel guilty/not right
  16. H

    Skipping lectures?

    don't you feel guilty for it
  17. H

    question about quizes

    that's the thing, there was still a chance of it being my last attempt and getting it wrong, hence why I asked here about it before making any more attempts
  18. H

    Skipping lectures?

    Should you skip lectures? I kind of have wanted to on thursdays, since I just have 2 lectures , and it takes me around 1.5 hours to get there. So 3 hours travel for 2 lectures. Then I can always access the recording online anyway. But I just feel bad to skip anything. I don't have any days off...
  19. H

    Which maths is harder

    I'm doing MATH1111 (intro to calculus) and basically have a weak math background
  20. H

    question about quizes

    Ah I always forget about the manuals. I just found out in the manual it's unlimited. Thank you!