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  1. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    Mathematics standard is hard if you don't know the syllabus, but if you do it def is not on the level of 4u lol. Otherwise, basically agree.
  2. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    Honestly, the HSC is much worse this year because of the lockdowns Gladys has imposed on her quest for wold domination (as seen in video below). BUT together we can overcome this injustice. At least NESA has assured us HSC will go on, but knowing the government they're might withdraw that in...
  3. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    The HSC this year is even worse than usual Yeah haha I chose the 7 hardest lol.
  4. L

    Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread

    Sums everything up basically
  5. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    @jimmysmith560 coming in with straight facts as usual
  6. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    Oath, eco MC is like covid with a 10 times greater mortality rate
  7. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    Yeah eco is pretty hard; truckload of content to memorise and memorising so many essays is a nightmare. Though I wouldn't compare it to the likes of 4u or physics
  8. L

    Going into math EXT 2

    You're lucky and unlucky; 4u syllabus has become quite a bit easier but that means the scaling has gotten a bit worse. But preparing for it requires the same technique; first, develop your understanding through reading various notes and textbooks, then just do as many questions from as many past...
  9. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    Me personally, I just don't like the HSC no matter the subject.
  10. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    That's true, especially when you use someone else's essay and put in a bunch of synonyms like half of my cohort. Maths does require constant practice to ensure that you come across every type of question possible.
  11. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    I think that yes, subjects like English don't really come into importance very often (although i do believe it does develop your writing skills which can be very important depending on job you do). However, subjects such as eco you use statistics from extremely recent sources and the theory...
  12. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    True, completely forgot about languages. My list, again completely biased 1. English Adv 2. Maths Ext. 2 3. Latin/Latin Extension 4. Physics 5. Modern 6. Economics 7. Chemistry 8. Engineering 9. Biology 10. SDD
  13. L

    Top 10 Hardest HSC Subjects

    English is in a different dimension in terms of difficulty, don't even get me started on it. 4u second, yeah I agree eco higher and 3u lower. Modern I find especially hard, probably moreso than eco but that's probably just me. Physics is probably right behind 4u, some of the concepts require a...
  14. L

    Is it mandatory for year 12 to go back to school next term?

    They probably are, its the same with my school but we just have 'seminars' not actual full classes for some reason. If you really don't want to go, don't go and see what happens lol.
  15. L

    Timetable's out

    Thank god the HSC is going on, it's my only chance at getting a half-decent atar
  16. L

    99.95 without extension 2 maths

    Yeah a 94 in 4u scales nearly as good as a 98 in 2u which is a bit ridiculous. Other subjects have to be at least 95+ with one or two being at like 97-98 range to improve chances. Getting a 95 in all subjects will probs get you to a 99.80-99.85 but not a .95.
  17. L

    99.95 without extension 2 maths

    Yeah good point, the scaling for marks between 94-95 and 98-99 is very minimal meaning that there is not much of an aggregate difference between say 99.60 and 99.95.
  18. L

    99.95 without extension 2 maths

    It def is possible to do so but 4u is a bit OP, or at least it used to be in old syllabus. The scaling was absolutely ridiculous and it definitely improves your chances of a higher ATAR. For me, my ATAR would be ruined if I haven't done 4u. But thats me and I'm very one-sided academically. Good...
  19. L

    99.95 without extension 2 maths

    Yeah I really don't like the HSC sometimes
  20. L


    Thanks a lot.