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  1. L


    Hey guys, I'm struggling to decide between 2 courses for university; economics/maths or PPE in UNSW. Initially I was going to do economics/maths which is more of my ballpark but I want to do PPE for a postgrad overseas in the future. Which one do you think I should choose?
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    yr12 econ

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    99.95 without extension 2 maths

    Someone in my school got 99.95 with no maths at all. Granted he did get state ranks in 4 subjects lol.
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    yr12 econ

    Pretty good subject I'd say; I'm looking to do it in university. Got a lot of content in it and a lot of memory combined with a fair bit of common sense. Screwed up my trials tho; thank god it was only 15%
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    hows HSC like

    Only real holiday is the December ones before Term 2 starts I'd say; after that its pretty much a constant grind until the HSC- except for maybe a week or two after trials where nobody bothers to study.
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    thoughts on hsc only being certain subjects?

    I definitely would prefer to do all subjects for the HSC. In regards to cases, by the time 9th November rolls around cases should have gone down and vaccinations should be up to 70-80% so I hope that they do do the HSC for all subjects. Especially since people have worked so hard the entire year...
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    Messed up Eco Exam

    About Imperial College level
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    Messed up Eco Exam

    Yeah cool I don't want to do medicine so cool. I'm just really worried because my parents do put alot of pressure on me to do well and most likely aren't going to be very happy with my marks. Btw what WAM should I aim for to get into a good UK uni?
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    Messed up Eco Exam

    Hey guys, Kinda screwed up my eco trials, got about rank 20. However, thank god its only 15% and as I did well in other assessments previously I should be about rank 10-11 within my school. Usually about 13-14 students typically get band 6's and I'm worried now that my atar won't be high enough...
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    Is anyone else too nervous to study?

    Also, just a side question does anybody else hate "to what extent" questions or is it just me? Literally all my modern history essay questions where to what extent and I hated it lol
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    Is anyone else too nervous to study?

    My trials are open book as well but they reduced the weighting to 15% and split the other 15% across the other assessments. I was hoping that I could use trials to lift my ranking by a significant margin, which granted I can still do as I was pretty confident with my trials so far, but now the...
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    Is anyone else too nervous to study?

    What do you mean by "my story"? What I'm saying is an opinion not a story. I do disagree with some points that you said earlier but I don't feel I am "nitpicking information"- although that is my opinion. I'm sorry if I've come across as offensive or rude; that was not my intention.
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    Is anyone else too nervous to study?

    Apologies about misunderstanding your first sentence. I agree that there are many forms and types of anxiety; it can be labelled a serious mental health issue when irrational and interferes with an individual's daily life.
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    Is anyone else too nervous to study?

    How do you know that they're using anxiety as an expression rather than an actual issue? Anxiety is an actual mental health issue and is a very serious problem, like all mental health issues. The problem is anxiety is ridiculed by a lot of people and that makes it worse. Having sympathy for...
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    Is anyone else too nervous to study?

    I'm not saying she shouldn't work hard- of course she should try her hardest and do as well as she can. I'm just saying if her end result isn't as good as what she expected then it's ok; the lockdown has been hard on all of us and uni's are offering special placement programs etc. I wouldn't...
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    Is anyone else too nervous to study?

    I think it is important you do study. However, your ATAR isn't the be all end all by any means. I would not say the HSC is your future; your ATAR does not define future success. Certainly, in multiple echelons of society employer's do not really care about your ATAR- I believe they'd see your...
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    2021 HSC

    Yeah a decline in the abundance and proportion of international students will mean that it is easier to acquire a placement in university courses. Even scholarships should be easier to obtain, especially since universities will take into account the debilitating impact of the current situation...
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    trials cancelled

    Yeah my trials are now open book and only 15%; such a joke.
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    trials cancelled

    My school has reduced trial weighting to 15% and spread the other 25% across the other yr12 exams. RIP my internal mark lol
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    trials cancelled

    I do believe schools will come up with a partial solution to cheating. Of course, there is no real way to ban cheating without someone watching your every move. People who cheat in general should feel ashamed of preventing honest people from doing better in school and possibly having a better...