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  1. K

    How do you Study 4 UNI.

    If Benny's strategy of impressing an employer by achieving HD average by spending every minute studying in his nerdy life, then that's his decision.
  2. K

    WTF is happening to MY comp????

    or Norton GoBack if you have Norton Systemworks already installed
  3. K

    Relationship with Homosexuals

    Because you're gay as well?
  4. K

    Obtaining Haemoglobin

    Recombinant DNA Techonology was part of the 3 artificial bood production has mentioned by the original poster. And yes, it is an "alternate" way of producing blood and it's part of the artificial methods of blood production. [I can see that you in the perspective of thinking of a completely...
  5. K

    Obtaining Haemoglobin

    What are you on about? You dont even support your meaningless statements.
  6. K

    Favourite item of clothing

    Why do some people wear jeans that are so short that it shows their bum crack when they bend over?
  7. K

    Most over rated movie

    Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter
  8. K

    omg, failed car exam 6 times on auto

    I don't get how anyone cannot safely stop at a red light or a stop sign, it's one of the fundamentals of driving :confused:
  9. K

    Cheap Quality Tutoring Services

    Yea i found it funny, but didn't think i would need to post it.
  10. K


    What OTEN material?
  11. K

    polo ralph shirts

    Polo shirts are excessively expensive here in Australia. I do like the shirts that are longer at the back than the front. Looks nice.
  12. K

    Passing P's Test first time

    Yea i remember reading it off from the handbook. So i took the advantage of using 5 directions because i didn't want to hit the kerb and thus instant fail.
  13. K

    Relationship with Homosexuals

    Hey... This is a question/poll for the straight people: Say, you have just found out that a friend of yours is a homosexual, would your relationship/friendship/interaction with that person change in any way? If so, how? Thanks :cool:
  14. K

    Passing P's Test first time

    My three point turn was a bitch because they made me do it in a very narrow road. I had to take 5 direction turns.
  15. K

    Cheap Quality Tutoring Services

    Would people stop using small font!
  16. K

    love really sucks..

    Sometimes having a partner complicates life...
  17. K

    How many exams did it take u 2 pass?

    I never got told either. It was just "congratulations, you've passed"...
  18. K

    omg, failed car exam 6 times on auto

    My mother failed 10 times. But there were no booking fees back then...
  19. K


    I wanna get CS: Source but i dont think my GeForce2 will be able to handle it. And i don't want to upgrade my graphics card, otherwise i have to upgrade the motherboard and everything else altogether in which i cannot afford! My cs name is: []xxxx]::::Kow_Dude:::>
  20. K

    What's your sexuality?

    I've read a newspaper article a while ago saying that bisexuals are 'extremely rare' and they are just in denial. They are either straight or a homo.