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  1. K

    Passing P's Test first time

    Good Tip. In fact, i'd much rather still catch public transport. The reason being is that i have a history of bad driving experiences. I've had one accident (which wasn't my fault) in which resulted in a confusing process of getting the car repaired and sorting insurance matters which was an...
  2. K

    Passing P's Test first time

    WOooohoooo I just got back from Passing my first driving test. I am so happy because i am an extremely nervous driver. I almost hit the car in front (and would've failed) when getting out from reverse parking. if i can do it, anyone can!!!
  3. K

    looking for an economics tutor

    I agree with legaleagle. It is no ethical to use Leading Edge's resources in a way that is profitable to yourself.
  4. K


    This is actually a hard one. Is this an assignment?!?!
  5. K

    Parents Reaction to UAI marks

    I second that. No one talks about "UAI' once you get into your desired course/uni.
  6. K


    How come you are doing "Search for Better Health" module already whereas most people has just finished "Maintaining a Balance"??
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    Parents Reaction to UAI marks

    I think reprise's daughter deserves a pat on the back. The HSC was one of the most stressful times of my life. Not only did reprise's daughter had to keep her stress levels stable to handle exams, but for the sake of her baby... which i admire.
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    Low scaling subjects

    The scaling helped obtain a high UAI, why did you just say you dont like the scaling system :confused:
  9. K

    English: Standard vs Advanced

    webby234 is right. It is harder to achieve higher marks in Standard because their exam questions does not require deep analysis and comprehensive responses, whereas advanced' texts are supposedly harder and so markers are more lenient.
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    Low scaling subjects

    I know exactly how you feel. The HSC contains syllabi that are somewhat limited and all you have to do was answer syllabus dot points. Which means that you can do a higher scaling subject such as physics and still perform better than senior science. The scaling plays a huge role in determining...
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    Low scaling subjects

    I congratulate hypertrophy for doing exceptionally well in those 'low scaling' subjects. The subjects chose was due to the high scaling and i have no regrets in doing them. I know a lot of people will oppose to this but i think this was a safe strategy for me to achieve a high UAI. But yes...
  12. K

    Low scaling subjects

    I'm not saying that the scaling is not fair. But schools should alert students about the scaling system in subjects. I know people who are very capable to doing 3u/4u level maths but have taken 2u because they thought it would be easier to obtain a higher mark, thus high UAI. But they kept...
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    Low scaling subjects

    I think all subjects are somewhat affected by scaling no matter how well the student performs in it. Otherwise, why does this 'scaling' even exist?
  14. K

    Question - Didnt make course.

    Don't be disheartened by last year's cut-offs. For example, in 2003 the cut-off for pharmacy was like 97ish and it had dropped significantly the year after. I didn't think i would make into pharmacy and so didn't do the STAT test, but i would have made it in if i did it. So yea, there's still...
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    Parents Reaction to UAI marks

    The UAI summarises the HSC marks, so why would anyone bother asking for individual marks.
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    Low scaling subjects

    I think the idea of scaling is both fair and ridiculous. It is fair in that it distinguishes between the more able from the less abled students, and by doing the 'difficult' subjects would allow them to earn higher marks they deserve. It is unfair for those who didn't know about the concept of...
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    Parents Reaction to UAI marks

    In the short term, you parents may not be happy about it but in the long term, they will support you in TAFE or whatever you decide to do.
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    DAILY TELEGRAPH - Top 200 schools

    Hooray for Homebush Boys who went from 100's to 82nd :D
  19. K

    funiiest blind date EVER

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!........ Couldn't stop laughing!