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  1. W

    Joey's concert~

    she had two fried ice creams in her head.
  2. W


    i feel so shit today, and i think it's only gonna get worse... :(
  3. W


    haha alrighty then! :p haha
  4. W


    babe there's only one nip of irish whiskey in it, haha u cant get pissed that easily
  5. W

    XP sp2 released

    iannnnnnn got anyoen who wants to buy my laptop?
  6. W


    haha lengstar spotted me at uni today HAHAH! :p... he's like "winston?!" and i'm like "oh shit oh shit its someone i met before but forgot their name again" haha, then im like who the hell are u haha... well kids, this just goes to show how many fans i have! :p
  7. W

    Open Days

    hahah i can imagine myself meeting so many bos'ers
  8. W

    New Tv Series 愛在有情天

    ATV? arr see? ahha, i hate that, i only watch TVB :p
  9. W

    system 32 folder

    This problem is because you have a bad startup entry in your registry, or startup is trying to load a file or a executable which is missing, so that causes the system32 folder to pop-up, go to start> run, type in msconfig, under startup have a look at if any of the items are missing from the...
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    It's good, but it's once again expected, the style and ranges of the songs are all general, like 2 -3 slow songs, 3 - 4 rappy ones, 2 - 3 weird ones that you just try to make out what language he's speaking.
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    yeah mumma i'll get you a copy if you want.
  12. W


    HAHA you will be when they say "alright you two, you both get a new N10 delivered to your house" :p
  13. W


    Yeah, i guess yeah you would be quite depressed about that certain situation, but it's always good to be optimistic, and look on the bright side of things, and move on in life, when i become depress i try my utmost to limit it to a day, and then get over it and be more optimistic about things.
  14. W


    sweet... :D ...
  15. W

    how many words is a 5 min speech

    It depends how fast you talk and what are you talking about and how often would you be looking at your palm cards, i managed to pull off 4 minutes with 400 words haha primarily because i was using all these gestures and talking loud, pausing, and blah blah
  16. W

    Open Days

    YEAH good idea, but it's old stuff for me, cause i've witnissed it all already! :D
  17. W


    HAHAHAHAHA! that's i call my real aunty ahaha and she gets the shits :p
  18. W


    OH CRAPPY im scar'd!
  19. W


    errection babe! your avatar is horrible, it's soo hideous :p...
  20. W

    Tired of being single. - Need Serious Help

    ask your friends to intro u to some of their female friends or something.