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  1. W

    Open Days

    We're gonna have a BOS stall at USYD :p... so look out for my bum! ;)
  2. W

    Psychology anyone?

    I'm doing it as an elective haha it's funny...
  3. W


    Ummm you see Forms are an interactive way for users to enter data, like its much more convenient than going through ur whole database file and inserting the stuff in, a form is more succinct and to the point, basically Access's forms allows you to create a customised end user program sort of...
  4. W


    ohh then leave me off the circle :p... ill be on the square only then :D
  5. W

    Chinese Background Speakers

    Then go back to your previous thread and go to edit and delete that post and it will delete the thread.
  6. W

    so I wanna get a library card at USYD

    HEY CAKKKKKKKKKES did u have psyc 1002 lecture yesterday at 1?! i think i saw you, haha but i wasn't sure =\
  7. W


    Due to my incestuous behaviour i take on the role of all the ones to be filled so in essence it should look like this : YEA! :D
  8. W

    so I wanna get a library card at USYD

    go away... go protest ur nursing faculty shutdown crap :p...
  9. W

    Joey's concert~

    HAHA wtf?>
  10. W


    oh dear... why does that link my mind to asians lol
  11. W


    mm hai gnor gnai bin gor gnai ar?! chui! :p
  12. W


    HAHA! grandma lei gor soooor porr!
  13. W

    so I wanna get a library card at USYD

    i'll escort your bum there mum ;) HAHA that rhymed!!
  14. W

    HDD Problems

    like i said take on the moderator position u nugget :p haha
  15. W

    Joey's concert~

    the special guest is me... see you there baby!
  16. W


    ok... now i'm scared...
  17. W


    yeah that's ok mate... gees people go crazy over their first encounter with me, i have special powers... ;)... haha jks :p..
  18. W

    A revision question about Multi Dimensional arrays

    Heh easy dude, look at it logically basically it's saying obtain the real positions, so if you look for the numbers it's actually [4,3] which is essentially point to 11, because ARRAY[2,3] = 4, and ARRAY[2,1] = 3 right? *EDIT damn, sunny beat me :p
  19. W


    oh yeah haha... my mum and daughter... ok well soon i guess... :p
  20. W

    do u think class of 2004 is crap (relatively)

    It's all equal i guess... but if statistics wise proves that as years progress on, students academic performance are degrading haha i wonder what's there to account for? The internet? Heaps of shit i think.