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  1. W


    city rail trains are poopy...
  2. W


    HAHA but didn't you know, his the actualy stylist? I remember i read some article, like all the stylish stuff he did in his previous album Ye Hui Mei, he did all the styling of it... and he doesn't have his own stylist.
  3. W


    fuck it's sooo cold outside fisher right now HAHAHA, gooo wirelesss baby! ;)
  4. W

    Interested in Computer courses

    It's listed in the science faculty handbook... but you can't do many of them, because they're for second year and third year... and they're changing a bit of the subs next year.
  5. W


    don't talk to my aunty like that, or i'll smash your face :p
  6. W

    Interested in Computer courses

    List of courses for what?
  7. W

    Q about Hotmail's time limit

    Dude, i've been noticing, all you do is reply with comments, that are totally not helpful, and you're just spamming...
  8. W


    fuck i hate uni grrr
  9. W


    and gnor wui gorn ying mun haha! :p... ok anyways uni tommorow haha, madness... sexcited baby!, ok good night people, night aunty.
  10. W

    Cyber Love

    but wait aunty, wasn't that you? HAHAHA! :p you even admited it last time! ;)
  11. W


    ohhh gark sai jui hung, cmon baby! haaha... did morning sir die Uncouth, or did morning sir revert everything back? i don't remember what you're saying, all i know is your cantos farrr too technical babe!
  12. W


    And so have i! :D... that's why my mumma bear gets the shits when i speak too much english
  13. W


    HAHA!... my canto sucks even more... so i win! *drum rolls* and the winner of the 2004, shitty canto speaker, and non-chinese nugget goes to Vinston Pang! :D
  14. W


    hey i can't read that chinese, put it in ping yum... is it to get unstuck in time? i'm still waiting for tape 8, hey, the new detective movie is so funny hahaha
  15. W

    Computer courses

    Well don't mean to invade your terf guys haha :p... but yeah whether you study at UNSW or USYD, both unis are equal, even though we're both named to be the rivalry's but honestly, you graduate blah blah and you get a job, but it doesn't mean going to USYD gets you a job, nor does UNSW will, to...
  16. W


    HAHAH madness :D
  17. W


    Hmmm that's strange, maybe because at work i work with all these chinese waiters, and they talk alot of canto, so i generally build up alot from there, as well as TVB series! :D
  18. W


    HAHA i wrote it ;) lol jks, hope it helps.
  19. W


    HAHA, you'd understand her better if she said it, cause she's a fob.... a damn right gorgeous fob my aunty is HAHAH :p...
  20. W


    HAHAHA :p... man i can't believe i understood it all, but hey after all aunty's my ping yummmer! :p