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  1. W


    HAHAH i met xiao face today, i was like where the fuck is he... and then i asked this dude, "XIAO?!" and the dude thought i was weird haha, what a mistake :p... i think i've practically met every tom dick and harry in this thread
  2. W


    On the dot, Happy Birthday Opal!
  3. W

    Choosing a course...

    No they're not, i'm doing BCST, and BIT is identical to BCST, but BIT is 4 yrs, their honours yrs included.
  4. W


    籍口 | Jie Kou | Excuse 詞/曲:周杰倫  Ci/Qu: Zhou Jie Lun Lyrics/Music: Jay Chou Translation: jakinni - 翻著我們的照片 想念若隱若現 fan zhe wo men de zhao pian / xiang nian ruo yin ruo xian Flipping through our photographs, thoughts of [you] are visible yet invisible 去年的冬天 我們笑得很甜...
  5. W


    yeah i met that dude who said "I BOMBED IT" last yr in chem and physics, and he came first in the state i fink, and god that dude is crazy haha he goes to my uni rofl haha... and HAPPY BDAY PIGGGGG FACE! ahah Opal is older than me now!
  6. W

    Microsoft Access

    You probably need to read up a little about SQL.
  7. W

    DVD: region 1

    Most DVD players allows only 4 maximum regions, a region refers to the country the DVD was from, so if you got some from america, some from china etc... everytime it's different you minus one region from the total of 4 times you have, so once you reach the 4th chance and u played i duno sayy...
  8. W

    Choosing a course...

    Do Computer Engineering, it's geared towards hardware, but i'm telling you it's hardwork.
  9. W

    jays album omg omg omg!

    yeah i got it this morning haha freshness.... so if any of you guys want it at 380 bitrate then give me a buzz and its urs!!
  10. W


    lol... my uncle got pooed face when he found out i finish at 4 on friday, and now i gotta change that so i finish early hahaha wtf....
  11. W


    yeah like i said my left cheek is yours babeh! :p
  12. W

    awesome msn plugin

    yeah i think its a very handy one... but the tab interface is starting to shit me HAHAHAH!
  13. W


    HAHAHA! :p... oh i start at 11... gees thats ssooooooooooooo early
  14. W


    HAHAH you're a taddddd slow aunty, i posted that a few pages ago...
  15. W


    no way!!!... i was on invisible from the day i was borrrn! :p
  16. W


    i sweaarrrrr all of you are folllloweerrrees! i was first to make my big bum transparent!!
  17. W


    yeah? share some warmth!
  18. W


    yawnnnns, fuck it's freezing today
  19. W


    no idea... lol yeah too bad aunty missed out on such a lesbian action! :p... i cant imagine if you were there to witniss it, :p... chances are you'd probably say "excuse me... but... can i join? :D" :rolleyes:
  20. W


    Well i was serving these two chicks... so they told me what they wanted so i went off to make it.. and then when i turn around to give the drinks to them, they were pashing haha... i never knew they were lesos, but damn they were good... :p... haha and i was just standing there for 2 minutes...