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    4 unit Locus

    thanx mate...any chance of u showing me. sorry i am only in year 11 and haven't come across questions of this nature.
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    4 unit Locus

    Find the equation of the parabola focus (-3,-1) , directrix 3x-2y=5. Btw the answer is 4x^2+108x+9y^2+6y+12xy=-105. I hope giving the answer does not stop people replying.
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    Year 12 of 2005 - what high school you all go to?

    I go to Ryde Secondary College.
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    Urgent HELP

    Okay…chemistry is not as difficult as people make it out to be. It is without a doubt higher scaling and more difficult than physics and biology but it is not really as difficult as extension maths. Year 10 chemistry is basic work BUT it provides the building blocks for year 11 chemistry. U...
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    Urgent HELP

    Hey Extension english is definetely quite difficult and if u really want to do it u should enjoy reading complex novels and texts as well as being able to create well structured responses. However, once u master these, extension is quite enjoyable and it can be beneficial to ur english advanced...
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    Urgent HELP

    Hey guys i need some help urgently with a english advanced assessment due on monday on representations of youth and oral presentation. i have to devise a representtion of youth. A representation is a way to show and idea through, for example, the medium of graphics, film, photographs, games...
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    implicit differentiation

    Thanx fr the example trev can u please solve this x squared plus 2xy minis y squared
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    implicit differentiation

    Is implicit differentiation 4 unit maths or 3 unit maths? Cause we r doin it in year 11!!!!!!!!!!
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    Indonesian Students!!!

    Indo students -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- please post a reply in this thread if u are an indonesianstudent in year 11 or 12 and studying continuers or extension. I would like to speak to u.
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    Indo students

    please post a reply in this thread if u are an indonesianstudent in year 11 or 12 and studying continuers or extension. I would like to speak to u.
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    critical perspectives (marxist & feminist) + Othello

    I had to do a 1500 word essay on Othello "Othello is a play primarily about Othello. Discuss". If u r having trouble understaning the text and the themes and everything, i recommend u try which gives an excellent chapter by chapter summary and analysis. If u want any futher...
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    School Concern

    What r u trying to say sugar plum? Morty?
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    Trignometry Formulae

    Thanx Merc. Any other formula sheets?
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    Maths extension 2 advice needed

    Can any of you guys recommend any 4 unit textbooks that are quite precise and straight foward. So far during years 7 to 11 I have religiously been working from the "understanding year _ maths" from the accelaeted maths learning series by DR max shur. However, the Cambridge books suck and I m...
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    Maths extension 2 advice needed

    Clarification sorry guys, I was in a rush when i was typing what i meant is that I am currently in year 11 and aiming to do 4 unit in year 12. I know that 4 unit students don't need to do any 2 unit exams but I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to work on the topics from the 2 unit...
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    Maths extension 2 advice needed

    Hey guys I am in year 12 and i am going to do 4 unit maths in year 12 and i was just wondering what i could do to assist in my preperation. I have heard that 4 unit students don't ned to do any 2 unit work so does that mean i don't need to learn any of the work from the 2 unit syllabus and just...
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    Urgent questions

    Thanx Trev Thanks Trev. Your a life saver. By the way what year are you in and what level maths do you do. Thanks a lot fo your help. It has been greatly appreciated.
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    urgent help

    Urgent questions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This is the last pay day before Henry and Harriet go on holiday. They both receive cheques for $3000 including the 17 1/2 % holiday bonus. Henry's holiday is for 3 weeks while Harriet's is...
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    Urgent questions

    1. This is the last pay day before Henry and Harriet go on holiday. They both receive cheques for $3000 including the 17 1/2 % holiday bonus. Henry's holiday is for 3 weeks while Harriet's is for 4 weeks. Find how much more Henry earns than Hariet in a normal working week. Answer: Henry earns...
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    No I am not the angel of death. I am a GUY! My apologies once again for clicking it.