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  1. jellybeenz

    School friends vs. Uni friends

    Its weird because in high school, people just seemed to stick. At uni you talk to a bunch of different people and not very many stick, but I do have one or two I can call friends. I dunno... We had a high school party the other night, there are some people I dont want to lose touch with, but...
  2. jellybeenz

    Who to choose?

    I reckon go for Tony.... I dunno.... He seems like he would be more fun....
  3. jellybeenz

    Schapelle Corby - Innocent or Gulity?

    See I agree with that. It just doesnt add up, why would one smuggle drugs into Bali? there are plenty of drugs already there-- its described as a "narcotics haven"... I guess none of us really know the details though.
  4. jellybeenz

    going out with childhood friends?

    Changed how I think about that person now. Has tainted my otherwise happy memories of childhood. Yeah I don't think its wise. If I could unmake that decision I would.
  5. jellybeenz

    How often do you fall asleep in lectures?

    I sleep in Sociology lectures mostly-- arms on the table and head resting on them. On thursday I woke up at the end and my arm was wet because I was drooling on it. I think its becoming quite noticable to others, I was walking out and I heard someone say "See that girl over there, she just...
  6. jellybeenz

    The Love and Relationship Rant Thread

    Yeah I know... the crooked smile or the thoughtful msg.... or the totally random jokes... makes you forgive all... But right now I hate him.
  7. jellybeenz

    The Love and Relationship Rant Thread

    Seriously, are you dating my friend? My friend is exactly the same. Except without the whole wanting me thing. As far as I can tell, he doesn't want me as a girlfriend but when it suits him he'll fucking go psycho and blame everything on me. We are just friends but I swear sometimes he...
  8. jellybeenz

    Sociology 1001- test?

    I don't even feel enough motivation to go to the lectures. If my friend from high school wasn't in my sociology ones I prolly wouldn't turn up at all-- I only go to them because I get to catch up on gossip with my friend. oh and jessum-- my tutor is some chick named Lynda, so i guess im not...
  9. jellybeenz

    Sociology 1001- test?

    I wouldn't say brilliantly. I answered all the questions though. We got Identity, post-modernism, sociological imagination & functionalism. I don't really know if this makes sense but I was worried about failing but I somehow didn't care enough to study. Only time will tell.
  10. jellybeenz

    Sociology 1001- test?

    I'm glad its over.
  11. jellybeenz

    Being in LOVE

    Funny how I still feel exactly the same as I did almost 3 months ago.
  12. jellybeenz

    Last Names

    I like my name just fine, but if my husband has one I like better- I'll change it. If I hate his name I'll keep mine. The kids can have his name, I'm not into hyphenating. I always liked the bargain my parents had about names-- my mother said to my father "Okay the kid can have ur last name...
  13. jellybeenz

    whoz doin a MRS course!!

    lol... I so got confused by this thread name... MRS-- to me is the course for people who go to uni only to look for a husband....
  14. jellybeenz

    Sociology 1001- test?

    Argh... One more question to find the answers to... Functionalist Sociology... wtf I swear I never heard that mentioned more than once. But that could have been becoz I was talking durign the lecture...
  15. jellybeenz

    Last Movie...What you think?

    Aw i loved Closer. Clive Owen was fabulous in that.
  16. jellybeenz

    you decide!!! pt. 2

    Dude you should be in Arts. The stress doesnt come till later when you struggle to find a job. Then you can go work in retail :p
  17. jellybeenz

    Sociology 1001- test?

    Yes there are tests. I said I begin to study at 9am............... I soooo don't want to. Its boring and stupid. And I can't possibly learn this shit in time. Does anyone know what happens if you fail? Its worth 20%-- if I fail do I lose 20%? Or do I get part of it for just attempting the test?
  18. jellybeenz

    Sociology 1001- test?

    Don't become one of them! Learn to love the late night cram and join us Arts students. Hmm... I got the first few questions under control... but the last 4... I'm fucked.
  19. jellybeenz

    europe in winter

    I'm going to Switzerland and Portugal this Summer. I'm excited but a bit pissed off because I'm not gonna get to have a Summer, so i'll have to double up on winter clothes. I'm going for 2 months, but I've been before so my advice is just to make sure you have a big coat to wear outside. Coz...
  20. jellybeenz

    Where to look for tutor?

    I know Sydney has a "casual Employment Service" and I'm guessing other unis do too. You should place an Ad with them saying your looking for a tutor with those qualifications.