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  1. jellybeenz

    VSU Emergency Rally - Tommorow (Wed 16th)

    I prefer cans... Thanks for the suggestion about the 24 cans from coles though, just wondering how exactly I'd keep a can cold all day long?
  2. jellybeenz

    VSU Emergency Rally - Tommorow (Wed 16th)

    They do at broadway, so why wouldnt they at uni?
  3. jellybeenz

    VSU Emergency Rally - Tommorow (Wed 16th)

    I so can't wait to pay $2 for a can of coke!
  4. jellybeenz

    VC week/Mid-sem break

    Do everything I should have done in the past 3 weeks. I was hoping to get started on my essays.... but I really don't see that happening.
  5. jellybeenz

    Do you go to the lectures?

    I missed my last lecture today... i dunno why, i like ancient history lectures... i was just hanging with some friends at UTS and couldnt be bothered walking back down to usyd in the rain for a one hour lecture...
  6. jellybeenz

    Making friends with the opposite SEX

    Guys with older sisters generally know how to get along with girls better-- and they often realise girls are people not just sex objects... imo... altho not always true... I find boys are nicer at uni than the girls... most girls seem reserved and a bit snobby...
  7. jellybeenz

    The First Kiss

    My first kiss sucked. Well it was okay... but like I didnt care about the guy. So while it felt good, it was shit looking back coz it was basically a kiss coz I'd never been kissed before. It didn't mean anything.
  8. jellybeenz

    Advice needed...from all u girls out there...

    Yeah I agree... MSN is fucking with the natural order of relationships. I have a friend who I am good friends with on msn and we sms each other but we don't really talk in person. Its coz we are used to the internet and don't know how to act in person-- whether we act like we are good friends...
  9. jellybeenz

    trying to fall out of love,

    Ah, but you only wanna be friends coz you have this hope you'll get back together. You can't go into a friendship that way, otherwise you'll be setting yourself up for disappointment. Then you'll resent yourself and him because you are close to him without having what you really want. And when...
  10. jellybeenz

    Important - New Legislation - Read!

    A society is only as strong as its weakest member. If we all only look out for ourselves, who is going to look after those who can't help themselves? The Union helps people who need it. If you don't need help, great! But what if you do? If the Union doesn't haven enough funds to help you and...
  11. jellybeenz

    Important - New Legislation - Read!

    I guess I'll just always swing to the left meaning I don't think that VSU is a good thing. I question the motives of the govt bringing in VSU... If they really cared about the students, university spending wouldnt have been decreased causing fees to rise---> increased debt for students. This...
  12. jellybeenz

    What do you think is the worst features of your university?

    It is for me... I'm hardly athletic...
  13. jellybeenz

    What do you think is the worst features of your university?

    The walk (or should I say run) from Carslaw to Wallace (and vice versa) that I have to make twice a week in the space of approximately 7 minutes.... yeah I know someone else will complain about something else thats a million times worse than my complaint... so sorry in advance but that is my...
  14. jellybeenz

    Your friends picking up at a pub or club

    If my friend was totally trashed and in a position to be taken advantage of, thats when I would step in.
  15. jellybeenz

    trying to fall out of love,

    For a break up to work--- the "break" needs to happen. Hence the name. I think space and time heals most wounds enough to continue a friendship-- otherwise any feeling of hate, love, regret, anger will be carried over to the friendship and it'll never work. Sooo... no phonecalls, no...
  16. jellybeenz

    bus to broadway

    Others can correct me here, but I think any bus starting with a 4 along that road goes to Broadway and even to Central.
  17. jellybeenz

    What do ppl do when u have hrs free?

    I lay out on the grass, eat my lunch and try to read my English text, but end up falling asleep instead. The sun is so nice and warm.
  18. jellybeenz

    does groupwork suck shit?

    I don't think I have any groupwork for my course. I don't work well in groups, I think I'm one of those people everyone is complaining about. If I know someone else will do it for me, I won't do it. Its a horrible way to think, but groupwork just encourages my laziness when I'm working hard to...
  19. jellybeenz

    Food at USYD

    Ralphs in the place where the Gym is was ok.... not that I ate anything, my friends seemed to enjoy it though.
  20. jellybeenz

    Which clubs/societies did you join today?

    I wish I joined the Labor or ALP clubs.... I'm regretting it now, the main reason I didn't was because I was with 2 friends who are Liberal voters and well, I didn't want to deal with them bitching about Labor.... I joined Inner Child, although I'm regretting that one now.... I also...