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  1. jellybeenz

    Finding rooms

    Ugh sounds like me on Tuesdays.... there shall be no socialisign for me before or after lectures as I shall be moving fast to my next one over the other side of campus...
  2. jellybeenz

    Relationships and drugs

    Depends on the drug. If he was just smoking pot or occasionally popping pills at nightclubs, I really couldn't care less. If it were something more serious like heroin, I'd prolly dump them. I agree with katie_tully, if he were the dealer, I'd want a cut of the profits.
  3. jellybeenz

    do you guys feel ready??

    I have mondays off... so I don't start till tomorrow... I'm not ready. I was ready for 4 months, now I don't want to go. I'm scared.
  4. jellybeenz

    How do you get a girl to like you?

    Compliments are good. I think if you compliment a girl enough, she can fool herself into believing she likes you, when in fact she might just like the compliments. This may not work on all girls though. Thoughtful presents are nice as well. But not too over the top, no 12 dozen roses or anything.
  5. jellybeenz

    transport costs

    $20 a week for one of those weekly travel pass things.
  6. jellybeenz

    Timetables Are Out!

    Xayma, I apologise for complaining about my timetable.
  7. jellybeenz

    Timetables Are Out!

    I have Monday off. Is it possible to have 3 consecutive lectures? I have one at 1pm, then another at 2pm and another at 3pm and then I have a tutorial at 4pm. Is it even possible to get to each of them without being late? As far as I can tell I would have to run halfway across the University...
  8. jellybeenz

    Does it make me a tightarse if I....

    I just realised exactly how much money these textbooks will cost me and due to poor finances, I'm looking at photocopies as well. I just don't have $500.
  9. jellybeenz


    The difficulty is remembering these people in the morning.
  10. jellybeenz

    First Day Of Uni: I Got Told To Stand In The Corridor For Talking

    I know the feeling. I was asking a legitimate question at enrolment and the lecturer just laughed in my face. I felt so small.
  11. jellybeenz

    What on campus services do you have that you wearnt expecting

    But its only $1 for racing games!!! I discovered this during those HSC lectures we had at Sydney Uni, in fact I missed several of those lectures due to the fact those games were only $1 and due to a very obnoxious boy.
  12. jellybeenz

    Do you think people who go to USYD are snobs.

    It sounds silly, but many people don't have much to be snobby about in their lives and if they get into a prestigious university such as Usyd, i imagine it would feel good to finally have something and be apart of something that others desire.
  13. jellybeenz

    Do you think people who go to USYD are snobs.

    Why do UWS students hate us so much? Is it because we do in fact have the prestige they so desperately yet secretly desire? :p Yeah I just proved I'm a USyd snob. I never even realised it until I found myself bragging about the sandstone and grass to a UTS student. However, I firmly...
  14. jellybeenz

    Why did you choose your degree / uni

    I chose Arts at USyd because I honestly have no idea what to do with my life, so I chose a course that provided me with subjects I enjoy and am interested in. I chose USyd because I like grass, sandstone and short train trips.
  15. jellybeenz

    If you could go to any university in the world where would it be an why?

    I'd go to Columbia or Princeton. Good schools with a lot of clout yet somehow not as obnoxious sounding as Harvard & Yale, IMO. Plus my dream is to live in New York or New Jersey (<---yeah too much Sopranos watching).
  16. jellybeenz

    Can u smoke at uni

    Dude... I'm talking about strangers who out of the blue come up to you, people who were nowhere near you and tell you that you shouldnt smoke... I'm also talking about people who instead of asking you to move while you are smoking just decide to tell you that you are going to die... I'm just...
  17. jellybeenz

    By coincidence or otherwise, do your partners and/or best friends tend to be ...

    I believe in star signs waaaaay too much... I'm a virgo, I seem to be attracted to yet very intimidated by Leos...
  18. jellybeenz

    What do girls think of facial hair?

    My friend had a goatee... he actually looked really good with it, sometime last year he shaved it off and now he actually looks older without it... :confused: I thought facial hair made you look older not younger? But he seriously looks younger with it-- and to be honest, thats how I prefer...
  19. jellybeenz


    I'm going with a group of my friends... because freakishly my 3 closest girlfriends have ended up at Sydney Uni as well.
  20. jellybeenz

    Can u smoke at uni

    Did you even read my post? I just said leave people alone if they aren't infringing on your rights. And unless someone blows smoke in your face, is smoking inside or near the entrance to a public building, or wherever a sign specifically states "no-smoking", they aren't doing anything wrong. If...