Search results

  1. jellybeenz

    hardwork vs. natural ability

    I tried to study for the HSC-- well what I call study, however it wasn't as much as most of my friends did. I had never studied for anything before and I didn't know how to do it (I still don't). I was very stressed because of this-- I never felt as prepared as everyone else because I didn't...
  2. jellybeenz

    mates before dates, bros before hoes etc.......

    I agree... There is always *that* one friend, who just can't handle not having you around all the time-- I reckon you are screwed either way. Like at least one of your friends is always gonna be unhappy if you start going out with someone. Unless you have the most awesome friends ever. Try and...
  3. jellybeenz

    Being in LOVE

    I'll take anyone's love. But I still think its stupid :P
  4. jellybeenz

    Being in LOVE

    Aw. I aim to please. People are stupid. Love is stupid. Thats my view and I'm sticking to it...
  5. jellybeenz

    Being in LOVE

    Ugh. Being in love sucks when the other person doesnt love you back though. Coz you got all the aspects of love-- the daydreaming, the heart/stomach flutters and the floating feeling-- then the stabbing pain and sickness in the bottom of ur stomach when reality sets in and you realise that you...
  6. jellybeenz

    Confusing Boys?

    He was bragging about some gossip he had. I told him he could trust me to tell me it. But he said I never told him any gossip, I told him that his friends are alot more interesting than mine are (this was all in a joking way). He then proceeded to go weird from then on and then he went offline...
  7. jellybeenz

    Confusing Boys?

    I have a friend, who I have been in love with for a while. He is perfect to me, we aren't that close but have been becoming closer friends. I have helped him out heaps with uni stuff over the past month. We talk often on msn and msg a lot (he sent me 8 msgs yesterday) but I'm still sure he only...
  8. jellybeenz

    'you perfect' match.

    Yeah I met my perfect match, he has a million faults but none of them stop me from thinking he is perfect and doing anything to please him. We don't have a lot in common but for some reason I just love most things about him. But we are only friends because I really don't think I am his perfect...
  9. jellybeenz

    Post-preference worries

    All my preferences are below my UAI (my UAI--89, 1st pref-- 86)-- however, that doesn't stop me worrying about how much the cut-offs will rise by. I'm going to be devastated if the cut-off of my first preference rises and I don't get in. What is the likely that you will be offerred a place in...
  10. jellybeenz

    Facial hair or not

    I used to hate the idea of facial hair on guys. Then I got over it. Now I've come to the realisation that its hot on some guys.
  11. jellybeenz

    What's your 1st uni preference?

    Bachelor of Arts, University of Sydney-- (otherwise known as Bachelor of Bullshit)-- but <fingers crossed> the cut-off doesnt rise by 3.25 again, coz then I'm screwed.
  12. jellybeenz


    Ghost World-- Aimee Mann Finals blew, I barely knew my graduation speech and with college out of reach if I don't find a job it's down to Dad and Myrtle Beach So, I'm bailing this town - or tearing it down - or probably more like hanging around, hanging around Everyone I know is...
  13. jellybeenz

    Question about Access Scheme

    Whatever, some people get EAS when they don't even deserve it. My friend gets all these extra UAI points because of her supposed low-income family- bullshit she has no money. The girl has a hell of a lot nicer clothes than me (all brand name), she has a computer, internet-access, there isn't a...
  14. jellybeenz

    what do your parents think about your sex life?

    I'm sure my parents are quite happy with the fact that their daughter has no sex life.
  15. jellybeenz

    Regret: Should have tried harder

    I regret how much time I wasted during the year- especially all the time I spent on the internet before the HSC and during it. My UAI was good, my exam marks were excellent, if I knew it was that easy to get high 80s in just about everything, I'd have actually done some work during the year...
  16. jellybeenz

    how do u forget about someone?

    I reckon cutting off contact works. I have had the biggest thing for this guy at school for 2 years and every Summer and holidays I convince myself I'm over him because I don't see him every day, but as soon as I do see him or talk to him the feelings come back. But since I have never...
  17. jellybeenz

    would u ever marry some1 u neva had sex with??

    Sex shouldn't be taken lightly but it shouldn't be made into something its not. Everyone has different opinions about this, but sex is sex, its not something you do with just anyone, but its not necessarily sacred to everyone. It all depends how much value you put on it yourself.
  18. jellybeenz

    Worst feeling?

    I have a fear of rejection. I feel guilty over everything because I regret almost everything I do/say. I feel these things on a daily basis and I reckon they are all equally as bad. Its not a good way to live, but if I knew how to change I would.
  19. jellybeenz

    Big diff between Exam and Asess marks?

    I got 84 as my Assessment mark for Ancient History and 94 as my Exam Mark-- I blame the school. I blame the teacher bias that lead to me getting a low assessment mark. Our teacher had never taught Ancient History before, had no idea what to do when marking. She gave top marks to the same...
  20. jellybeenz

    Your goal vs Actual UAI

    Thought-- 81.25 Wanted-- 90 Got-- 89.70 Hmm... didn't get what I wanted but I did better than I expected.