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  1. jellybeenz

    would u ever marry some1 u neva had sex with??

    Nope. For me sex is a part of intimacy and I couldn't marry someone I wasn't intimate with. Sex isn't the most important thing in a relationship but I still think it is important. I wouldn't marry someone unless I had been dating them for at least 2 years-- and I don't think I could wait that...
  2. jellybeenz

    Cut-Offs Rising

    And if 2004 generally had higher UAIs and more band 6s than previous years... it is very likely that those applying have higher UAIs and it will rise. Dammit.
  3. jellybeenz

    89ers right here

    I got 89.70-- I was absolutely ecstatic about my mark, like there was a lot of screaming. Then I realised it may not get me into my course. If I got 90, I would feel a million times better. It sucks. I might even miss out by 0.05 of a mark. I'm almost in tears now that I don't think I can get...
  4. jellybeenz

    Cut-Offs Rising

    I got 89.70 for my UAI-- last year to get into Arts at Sydney the cut-off was 86.5 and the year before it was 83.25, so there was a rise of 3.25 in the cut-off-- since more people achieved well this year and the lesser number of Hecs places available at Uni, does this mean that the cut-off is...
  5. jellybeenz

    Your Parents. What do they think?

    My mother was all supportive about my results because I was sooo upset about them. But when I got my UAI- I was soooo happy (89.70), my results didn't indicate my UAI would be that good. But because I was so happy with my marks, my mother got all angry and started telling me how much better I...
  6. jellybeenz

    Official UAI Thread: Post your UAI's here

    I got 89.70-- I could not be happier... SAM gave me like 90.14 or something. It doesnt matter though, because my UAI is enough to get me into Arts at USyd- unless of course it jumps by like 3.7 UAI points.... ugh... now I hope not!!
  7. jellybeenz

    in yet anyone? earlybirds?

    OMG Got it!!!... fuck. ok. um. <cries>
  8. jellybeenz

    in yet anyone? earlybirds?

    isn't cable like meant to be fast? Goddam it!!!
  9. jellybeenz

    in yet anyone? earlybirds?

    Ahhhh..... So nervous... taking forever too load!!!!!!!
  10. jellybeenz

    Predictions for Tomorrow

    Here is a very likely situation that will take place tomorrow at my house: Me: Crying. Father: "Is that good or bad?" Mother: "Oh is that it? Well... thats what happens when you don't take the HSC seriously. Good Luck at Centrelink" Sister: "Thanks a lot! Now all the pressure is on me!"...
  11. jellybeenz

    You lying Bi%$#es

    I reckon sometimes girls need an excuse to like a guy "oh he is so nice..." when really they are just attracted to the person and feel the need to justify it and nice is a good justification- even if it isn't true. As long as girls can rationalise why they are sleeping with the guy, all is...
  12. jellybeenz

    Your first EVER crush?

    Crushes suck... for me they are always painful coz i always seem to crush on guys i cant have... my first crush was like that and the rest of them have been too...
  13. jellybeenz

    wow!73 viewing

    Obviously you weren't viewing the day before the english HSC exam.... a helluva lot more than 73....
  14. jellybeenz

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Riiiight... Because being inexperienced means you are gay... that makes total and complete sense... and ladies and gentlemen we have the bright young sparkk steven_m to thank for this insightful observation...
  15. jellybeenz

    Do you think Mathematics should be made compulsory for HSC?

    Me too. Maths should not be compulsory! I think reading, writing and speaking english is much more valuable in everyday life than Calculus anyway. Most foreign students wouldnt take english if it weren't compulsory- and they could slam the HSC without even being able to construct a proper...
  16. jellybeenz

    is there such thing as love

    In my opinion, there is always a dominant figure in any human relationship- we all play the different roles. So I think in any relationship, one person is dominant. However there are different ways to be dominant and in healthy relationships it balances out in the end (like the guy might seem to...
  17. jellybeenz

    is there such thing as love

    I think those people have a fucked up idea of love, but thats not to say that they dont love the person in a fucked up way inside their own head.
  18. jellybeenz

    WHO HERE is intending to have a job and STILL HAS NO JOB???

    I have no job... <cries> I handed out resumes yet nobody wants me... I'm going crazy, sitting at home all day while all my friends are at work...
  19. jellybeenz

    Your first EVER crush?

    I had a crush on a guy in Year 1, 2, 3 & 4- well I reckon it was just because we were close friends at the age when boys and girls just werent friends with each other. Anyway, this same guy ended up giving me my first kiss recently, I think the crush has resurfaced as well...
  20. jellybeenz

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Well... since this is the 'Single... Who has never had a girlfriend/boyfriend?' thread- I'm sure being in love with your girlfriend/boyfriend is a fantastic feeling, yet one I have not yet experienced. So I can't really comment and its not that I won't let myself experience it. Everyone I...