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  1. jellybeenz

    Relationships & HSC

    I didn't have a relationship in Year 12. The stress would have been too much. I had enough problems concentrating with this guy I had a crush on sitting near me in exams. I can tell myself I didn't have a boyfriend in Year 12 by choice, but the reality is that if someone came along, I...
  2. jellybeenz

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Yeah and then someone says it to you and you go all mushy and then ypu realise they were just talking crap and they didnt mean what they said and your instincts were right in the first place. Hm... Yeah I never had a boyfriend. But recent experiences makes me wonder if i really want the...
  3. jellybeenz

    how do u tell some1 u like them?

    Nah Year 12 should be about teaching guys how to treat girls. How to say what they want and be clear, instead of being so goddam vague about everything! Then girls wouldn't have to psycho-analyse everything. Sorry about veering from the topic...
  4. jellybeenz


    I feel like this too, Flipsyde. Thanks for making this thread, kinda made me realise im not the only one who is completely lost and bored with life. I'm constantly restless as well. Like nothing I used to enjoy makes me feel the same way anymore. Everything seems a little more empty. Everything...
  5. jellybeenz

    Love at first sight vs. falling in love

    You can. But then there are idiots like me that for some reason ignore first impressions. Then I get hurt when I realise they were dickheads all along and I was just looking for something that wasn't there. Yeah, I know. Stupidity. Maybe we don't fall in love over time, maybe we just get more...
  6. jellybeenz

    Love at first sight vs. falling in love

    People can spark your interest at first sight, but i don't reckon you can fall in love with them straight away. That happens over a period of time. I reckon you can see someone and something inside you clicks and you think "Oh I wanna get to know that person better"- its not love but I reckon it...
  7. jellybeenz

    Girls Only Want What They Cant Have - True or False?

    I think guys do it as well as girls. I mean I know this guy liked me and when I found out, I started to like him but then I reckon coz I showed interest, he lost interest. Then coz he lost interest, I wanted him more. I dunno, its like this circle of everyone wanting what they can't have...
  8. jellybeenz

    nice guys finish last.

    Wow... you just described perfectly the actions of a guy I know... This guy confuses me... he is nice to me, he listens, he is always complimentary but he is full of lines and moves-- like the most obvious ones. Its weird. So although this guy is nice, his actions put me off because these...
  9. jellybeenz

    nice guys finish last.

    I don't really know if this is relevent. But I don't think nice guys finish last. I think girls just like guys who are nice to them when they don't have to be. E.g. Guy is friends with a girl who hates my guts-- Guy says hello to me and talks to me about school every now and then. I love him...
  10. jellybeenz

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    I have finished high school without ever having a boyfriend. I find it pretty pathetic myself. I don't actively seek one, but often I sit around and think- oh it would be nice. I guess it doesn't help that I have been hung up on the same guy for 2 years- hoping he would just magically fall...
  11. jellybeenz

    Who is confused & lost?

    Yeah I think the lostness will pass... yet I'm still at a loss for what to do... I go out with my friends a lot... yet I'm running very low on cash and formal is costing way too much to be asking my parents for money every day. So I sit at home... bored. I can't concentrate on TV (which has...
  12. jellybeenz

    So who's burned all of their notes?

    Haha... I'd love to burn my notes but I still have this niggling feeling that I'm going to have to repeat Year 12 and those notes may come in handy if that is the case. I would otherwise love to burn them.
  13. jellybeenz

    Nelson Bay/Toukley - 13-21december, anyone else???

    I'll be in Nelsons this weekend... not really schoolies just a holiday with some friends though... I don't think there is that much to do...
  14. jellybeenz

    Who got the letter??

    Last night I had a dream that the Board of Studies sent me a letter telling me that there had been an error with my exam papers, I filled in the booklets wrong, some were lost and this letter informed me that I had to sit for the HSC exams all over again tomorrow. Then I wake up, panicked yet so...
  15. jellybeenz

    Chinese Cinderalla - Adeline Yen Mah

    I absolutely loved 'Falling Leaves'- but I can agree with those criticisms. I thought 'Wild Swans' was a lot more emotionally taxing.
  16. jellybeenz

    Australian Idol 2004

    I thought I didn't care at all. I was just like "yeah whatever, there isn't anyone left I really like", but when they announced Casey into the Final, I almost fell out of my chair. I was really happy for her-- so I guess I do care about her. I hope she comes second and gets to make a great...
  17. jellybeenz

    hsc related suicides, iv heard about 20 this year

    This has been the most stressful 2 months of my life. I can definitely see how people could resort to committing suicide. Sure other factors are involved, but the way I've been feeling lately, I really can see how the emptiness and despair of not achieving your goals and reaching the...
  18. jellybeenz

    Australian Idol 2004

    I don't know if he is gay or not- I just didn't want to offend anyone, so I put the wink there :p I was just kidding, coz it doesn't bother me either way.
  19. jellybeenz

    Australian Idol 2004

    Okay... So Courtney impressed me for once. His first song rocked, didn't like the second one but I knew I wouldn't beforehand. ez_19, those are some interesting points about the songs, I guess I kinda mean that he sings and performs them similarly as well. I loved Casey's "You're So...
  20. jellybeenz

    Australian Idol 2004

    I reckon he has good taste in music. But I disagree, I don't think they come from a range of styles. I think that he does the same thing a lot. I do take a great interest in music, especially old stuff because I'm not a huge fan of what is popular now, but I can respect it for what it is...