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  1. jellybeenz

    King Lear Personal Interpretation

    This was my initial concern as well.... But I spoke to this lady on the HSC advice line and she assured me that in this case you can use "I", "In my interpretation..." and "My interpretation which has been shaped by the Feminist and Marxist readings of King Lear... la di da" etc I was a bit...
  2. jellybeenz

    peter brooks-existential or nihilistic?

    I'm doing Brooks and Eyre-- I don't really know how to link them though. I have my Family-Drama reading but I don't have much information on existentialist readings. Do you know any ways in which I could make those 2 readings and productions work?
  3. jellybeenz


    You and me both!! God help me... who writes a page for a 2 mark question? And a page for the 5 mark question? I'm an idiot. Section 1 is where I will lose all my marks. Section 1: 45 mins Section 2: 30 mins Section 3: 45 mins
  4. jellybeenz

    Question 3 | 4 | 5

    Wow... was that straight forward or what??? If I fail its my own fault, because that question was so simple and direct. I was expecting them to fuck around with us, so I was kinda thrown by the simplicity of the question. What stuffed me up was time. I spent too much time on the short answers...
  5. jellybeenz

    Question 2

    I wrote about "Journeys Across Landscapes" It was about a young guy and girl moving from Sydney to a small country town. It is basically a drive that ends up outside a country town and the guy is happy to be leaving city life behind, but the girl is resentful of how far away she is from the...
  6. jellybeenz

    The 9 Preferences

    Ugh.... I'm so unsure... My preferences are as follows: 1. B Liberal Studies USYD 2. B Arts USYD 3. B Arts Media & Comm. UNSW 4. B Arts UNSW 5. B Arts Media & Comm. (Writing & C.C.) UTS 6. B Arts Media & Comm. Macquarie 7. B Arts Macquarie 8. B Arts Wollongong 9. B Arts UWS I...
  7. jellybeenz

    Speculative Fiction (rulez!) Notes

    scotty schaefer, I'd appreciate the notes! Due to my half yearly I've found my LOTR notes lacking in some areas, it would be great to get another perspective on things.
  8. jellybeenz

    Speculative Fiction (rulez!) Notes

    My half-yearly exam is coming up next week... something tells me I'm not going to do too well. Anybody got some good notes on Dune? I'm willing to swap my LOTR notes (they aren't that comprehensive but I guess u could always use someone elses point of view).
  9. jellybeenz

    how do u prepare for english?

    I don't really know what you mean- but for extension I'd say know your texts really well, do your work (yes, all of it!!), listen to your teacher and take your own notes to read over. When you get an assesment or just a piece of homework back- ask your teacher how you can make it better and...
  10. jellybeenz

    speculative fiction

    Dune sucks snake nuts!! But I finally got through it. Just force yourself to read it... you'll feel so much better when its over and can reflect on all the issues and characters which are far more interesting to discuss than to read about. In my humble opinion. I have Handmaid's Tale but...
  11. jellybeenz

    speculative fiction

    We really need to stick together- I'm good with waffles. I've read a bit of Dune and have chosen some related material- I chose the movie Gattaca- but there is a guy in my class who wants to do it also- so the teacher said whomever gives her the analysis first gets to do it.
  12. jellybeenz

    speculative fiction

    We are doing LOTR, Dune & Handmaids Tale. I am nowhere near finishing Dune and I have heaps of other homework. Do you guys have any insight on good related material and what to do with it when you finally get it... because I'm a little stuck...:confused:
  13. jellybeenz

    Yr 12 2004- What Elective Are You Studying?

    Yes, Yes, we do!! Not many people are doing Spec Fiction here, this has me worried. I have so much homework for it and I'm hopelessly behind. I said I'd leave Dune for holiday reading- well I've read all of 150 pages of it... :confused:
  14. jellybeenz

    Attn: past/present French students.

    We used Ca y'est text book as well as sheets from all these other ones. I found French Coninuers the biggest bludge all of Year 11- we seriously sat around and did nothing all lesson. I aced my preliminary comprehension exam but the rest I kinda failed. Doing French was good in Year 11- a...
  15. jellybeenz

    Yr 12 2004- What Elective Are You Studying?

    Yeah we are doing 'Handmaid's tail' as well... I have mixed feelings about Speculative Fiction, on the one hand I'm looking forward to it and on the other I'm kind of scared that its going to be difficult- this also be because I've got a fruitcake as a teacher!
  16. jellybeenz

    Yr 12 2004- What Elective Are You Studying?

    Yeah thats what we are doing as well!! I'm looking forward to watching the movie but I'm afraid my teacher is going to wreck the entire movie and interpret it in her own way. I'm leaving Dune for some Holiday reading.
  17. jellybeenz

    BOS Stimulus Booklet 2004/05

    Argh! I'm finding Area of Study so difficult! We have only looked at The Road Not Taken and our teacher has basically told us that she thinks it is useless for Physical Journeys and doen't want us to use it. We had to analyse the poem and apparently I missed the meaning, anyway.