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  1. Paroissien

    Back to basics: H bonding

    Yep that's the one
  2. Paroissien

    Volume released question?

    Jeez they seem to have dumbed down the chemistry syllabus
  3. Paroissien

    Simple Question

    Ok, I can handle that.
  4. Paroissien

    Back to basics: H bonding

    That's what I said, so I'm going to assume the answers I have are shit
  5. Paroissien

    Expected Mark

    I know, and to get one of 90 was in top 6.1% There are going to be a few disappointed people, unless this forum represents the very best in NSW
  6. Paroissien

    Simple Question

    Bonding and such between molecules is called intermolecular forces. What is bonding in the actual molecule called, such as covalent and ionic bonds? I can't for the life of me put a name to it
  7. Paroissien

    Tests for total N and P

    Just use a colorimeter
  8. Paroissien

    Back to basics: H bonding

    Now I have a question. The principal reason for higher bp of alkanoic acids compared with alkanols is: A) greater dispersion forces between molecules D) stronger hydrogen bonding between molecules
  9. Paroissien

    transuranic elements and radio isotopes

    Well for 2 mark questions you would, but there is a chance of 4+ mark questions, and then you would most likely have to refer to particle acceleration
  10. Paroissien

    wate management eww

    Good to hear. And I don't think there is any need to refer to the treatment of waste water, and this is not extensively utilised in Aus relative to the rest of the world
  11. Paroissien

    transuranic elements and radio isotopes

    Can be used for both. What did your tutor say?
  12. Paroissien

    transuranic elements and radio isotopes

    Not that much, just make sure you have some equations that demonstrate formation through neutron bombardment and particle acceleration (just uses alpha particles) Bombardment: Mo-98 goes to Tc-99m and U-238 goes to Np-239 Particle acceleration: N-14 goes to O-17 through alpha barticle...
  13. Paroissien

    wate management eww

    I use... Aeration: water sprayed into the air which oxidises iron salts. Flocculation: alum used to create flocs which are easy to filter Sedimentation: flocs settle to the bottom to form a sludge Filtration: water filtered Chlorination: water decontaminated with chlorine gas Fluoridation...
  14. Paroissien

    transuranic elements and radio isotopes

    I guess he just assumed neutron bombardment would be enough for both, and who knows, that could turn out to be the case although I doubt it
  15. Paroissien

    transuranic elements and radio isotopes

    Sadly you thought wrong. You also have to know about their production in particle accelerators such as cyclotrons. It's not difficult though
  16. Paroissien

    transuranic elements and radio isotopes

    Yep it does, at least as far as we are concerned with it
  17. Paroissien

    CO2 Solubility Equilibrium

    Is CO2 (g) <---> CO2 (aq) enough to represent this equilibrium or do you have to add the other reactions?
  18. Paroissien

    Expected Mark

    That would kane. That would learn everything that doesn't do chemistry
  19. Paroissien


    Yeah it is a stage in the polymerisation of ethene. Has nothing to do with monitoring
  20. Paroissien

    Expected Mark

    High percentage chasing that top band. I just hope I'm not one of the disappointed people that will inevitably miss out