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  1. muzeikchun852

    Wanna estimate my ATAR? x)

    yeah. agreed - but I will give you a higher estimate - 92+
  2. muzeikchun852


  3. muzeikchun852

    Simple trig (?)

    this isn't a 4u question. let A = tan^-1 2 and B = tan^-1 1 expand tan (A - B) and sub in the value.
  4. muzeikchun852

    Possible 90+ ATAR

    still possible :D
  5. muzeikchun852

    ATAR estimate?

    I mean your ranks aren't great for a 200+ school but your chem and software ranks are good. so maybe a little bit higher - 87+
  6. muzeikchun852

    Is this too many units/too much work?

    I found that having multiple extension subjects can be an advantage in some way. at the end of the day, you only need to study for four different subjects. plus the enormous scaling in extension subjects is a bonus.
  7. muzeikchun852

    Help in Chemistry.

    may I ask - why don't you want to drop chem if you are struggling ? the theory and calculation get heavier in hsc, so prepare yourself :) best thing to do if you are struggling is to get a tutor. although having a tutor doesn't guarantee success, s/he will help you to understand concepts in chem.
  8. muzeikchun852

    13 HSC Units = Heavy Workload?

    maybe you should stay with mx1 for now. because you haven't start the work on your new extension subjects, there are possibilities that you won't like either of them. so keep mx1 for now would be a safe option.
  9. muzeikchun852

    Which HSC physics textbook is better?

    I used most of these textbooks for prelim and I think jacaranda is the best one. if you are looking for prac I think excel isn't too bad for prac, but the content isn't as good as jacaranda, so maybe you can just go to the school/local library and copy the prac.
  10. muzeikchun852

    Atar estimate please

    what are trying to do man ? hsc is all about individualised performance, and no matter how high or low your school rank is, you will get what you deserve at the end, so just focus on yourself and try to improve on your weaknesses (i.e. English), and I'm sure you will be fine.
  11. muzeikchun852

    Atar estimate please

    this is a hard one - maybe 93~96+ depends on english.
  12. muzeikchun852

    Group Study

    nay for me. because i get no work done.
  13. muzeikchun852

    Science (Advanced Maths) with Comm or Engineering?

    basically yeah. dont quote me on this but i heard the difference between adv maths and science (major in maths) is that you learn a few more theory/further theory in each course.
  14. muzeikchun852

    Recommended Textbooks/Study Guides for Year 12 HSC

    have to disagree this. i found that 2u/3u cambridge arent really good but that's only me. in 2U/3U: fitzpatrick > cambridge in 4U: terry lee >>>>>>>>>> cambridge > fitzpatrick
  15. muzeikchun852

    no problem. thanks in advanced(:

    no problem. thanks in advanced(: