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  1. C

    World Youth Day 08

    It's only on request though. Shame they can't keep statistics and tell us how many horny pilgrims didn't want to risk making any new souls enter a body (at the moment of conception).
  2. C

    Does Allah Exist?

    what the hell? lol @ the standard muslim response to criticism being to assume that the person is a Christian and then say the Bible is just as bad I'm pretty sure I've said plenty about the Bible at various times on here. At least you're implicitly acknowledging they're equally useless.
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    World Youth Day 08 Free condoms for Christian pilgrims The nation's peak sexual health group will provide all World Youth Day pilgrims with access to free condoms and sexual health advice. Marie...
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    Does Allah Exist?

    I'd rather be free than restrict my entire life to the codes enforced by some medieval book that treats me as a 3rd class citizen for absolutely no good reason
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    Does God exist?

    No, but it was 270 words :rolleyes:
  6. C

    Does Allah Exist?

    They like to say "it's the same god just differently" like how some people say "oh, all religions have common themes, you should just believe in something", i.e. ignoring the obvious reality, lol
  7. C

    Rules for Customers

    I wonder what total value of foreign currency is currently floating around our economy :D
  8. C

    Does God exist?

    I now believe Satan exists and he is leading us into temptation by making us forget to use the enter key regularly.
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    The Australian Flag

    WYD is an outrage, condoms must be handed out by someone :(
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    The Australian Flag

    and our treatment of aborigines in remote communities it's just one of those things that doesn't really matter to anyone so we can safely ignore it while there's more important things to work on
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    The Australian Flag

    So if Australia followed suit our flag today would be thus:
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    The Australian Flag

    credit for what exactly?
  13. C

    Does Allah Exist?

    heuristically, socioeconomically and electromagnetically.
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    Rules for Customers

    i dunno man, maybe a white man wouldn't give him a cigarette (bro) at redfern this morning and he's a bit pissed off like
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    that's pretty cool
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    The Australian Flag

    i like my idea of cronulla rioters where the union jack is it symbolises what the country is all about :uhhuh:
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    Does God exist?

  18. C

    Have you ever had a real fist fight?

    do u fight serbs at the Australian open? :D
  19. C

    Rules for Customers

    coz he's abo lol